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Movie News

Has Terry Gilliam Managed To Save THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE'

Folks, Harry here... could it be? Has Terry Gilliam finally managed to save this project that shot for several days and then disappeared in a tragic series of problems with Rochefort's back, financiers falling out and problems that no genius like Gilliam should ever have to endure? Well that's the word I'm hearing from Austria... Will this be next or will we next see Gilliam doing GOOD OMENS? I don't know, I just hope Gilliam can save DEFECTIVE DETECTIVE too!!!!

Harry, this is about THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE. According to Austrian TV ORF Terry got the money from "European sponsors" to do the movie he sees as a "cross between the Psycho and the Alice in the Wonderland". Shooting to start in 2002 starring Depp, Paradis, and Rochefort. Something to look forward to when you recover (hopefully) from your infatuation with Der Herr der Ringe.

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