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Is Vin Diesel Playing DAREDEVIL'!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

The short answer... maybe.

The long answer started with a series of e-mails this morning in response to the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER story saying Vin Diesel was in talks to play Daredevil in Mark Steven Johnson's upcoming film version of the Marvel Comics character.

I've got a longtime mole in place over at New Regency who I got on the phone late this afternoon to discuss the truth and fiction of the report, and she says Diesel was approached to play another character in the film... Bullseye. Diesel's a fan of Ol' Hornhead, though, and threw his name in as a possible Matt Murdock/Daredevil instead.

Fox and New Regency are intrigued, but there are all sorts of stumbling blocks. First, Vin's already committed to TRIPLE X and the sequel to PITCH BLACK. Hell, TRIPLE X already has a billboard up here in Hollywood now with the release date on it... "July 26, 2002." If PITCH BLACK shoots right after TRIPLE X, I don't see where he'd find time to be in DAREDEVIL. After all, they're looking at a fall start for the film.

More importantly, though, there's the big question... is he right for it? He's an inspired choice for Bullseye, but as Murdock, he completely changes the physicality of a character that's fairly well established. There's always been a lithe, wiry sort of strength to DD, and Vin's a bohunk. He's a big slab of guy, perfect for HELLBOY, perfect for Bullseye... and oddly incongruous for Daredevil.

My source tells me they're considering all sorts of names for Daredevil, though, and that they're being adventurous. One reader today sent me the suggestion of Peter (SIX FEET UNDER) Krause, which I thought was one of the best non-traditional choices I've heard so far. Discussions have been held about finding an unknown, a la SUPERMAN. And despite bizarre (and totally untrue) rumors like Drake (DAYS OF OUR LIVES) Hogestyn, they are no closer to actually casting the part today than they were when they started this process. We know it won't be Guy Pearce or Brad Pitt (both strong, smart early choices), but that's about all we know.

I've promised a date with Mongo for this poor girl if she'll keep us posted as soon as there's an actual choice to announce. Good thing she's into cavemen. Until then, anything is premature, part of the process, in progress, so to speak.

"Moriarty" out.

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