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Learn More of BUFFY: Season Six!!

I am – Hercules!!

Buffy 6.5 FAQ

Do major spoilers abound here?

They do! Stay clear if you if you want a clean approach to season six of the best show on the TV.

The big news?

It now looks like the “little bad” to which Coax made reference on July 4 will be acting as a kind of weak-minded, college-boy Legion of Doom to balance the Scoobs’ increasingly powerful super-hot college-girl Justice League.

Legion of Doom?

Jonathan will apparently not be the only familiar component of the evil troika. Jonathan has hooked up with Warren, the fellow Sunnydale High alum who assembled the Aprilbot and the Buffybot in season five.

Who’s the third member of the evil trio?

Somebody named Andrew. If this is a character from a previous episode, I’m sure somebody in talkback will point him out soon enough.

And if Andrew isn’t someone we’ve already met?

Wellsir, there was word early on that Team Whedon was planning to have one member of the evil troika turn out to be a lot more malicious than the other two. One guesses this makes Andrew look all the more suspicious.

Any other tidbits of questionable importance?

One reliable source indicates that one of Jonathan’s compatriots in the evil troika was originally supposed to be named Trevor.

When will we meet this little bad?

Presumably in 6.5 (or the end of 6.4).

Do the members of the little bad have superpowers?

Of course!

Like what?

Like they can convincingly masquerade as demons, for one thing!

What do they do in 6.5?

Mostly they stalk Buffy in their “supercool surveillance van” -- though the slayer fails to notice until very late in the episode (she’s got a ton of stuff to fret over in that week).

What’s Buffy up to in 6.5?

The slayer’s still trying to find her place in a world where she’s been suddenly transformed from mama’s girl to surrogate parent. Searching for what to do (when she’s not extinguishing the otherworldly), she in rapid sequence: audits a couple UCSunnydale classes with Willow and Tara; takes a job hauling iron beams on Xander’s construction site; hires on as Anya’s underling at the Magic Box; and gets hammered with Spike in a local pub – a pub that attracts clientele similar to that serviced by L.A.’s Caritas. Nothing works out.

How is Buffy such a misfit?

Well, for one thing, she’s inexplicably experiencing all kinds of time displacement. At one point, everything around her suddenly speeds up like somebody hit a fast-forward button. Then she keeps getting caught up in a “Groundhog Day”-like time-loop.

I thought 6.5 was going to be the Halloween episode.

The Halloween episode was likely bumped to 6.6 due to the season premiere being moved up a week, from Oct. 9 to Oct. 2.

Is Herc sensing any hints of decline in quality now that “Buffy” has migrated to UPN?

Judging by the scriptage we’ve thus far stumbled across, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.5 are all pretty geniusy, especially in the comedy department. And 6.5 should be exceedingly hilarious. The words that spring to mind are “continued upswing.” Kids, Herc love love loves “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Not only is it far and away the funniest show on TV, it routinely makes Mr. The Strong bawl like an 8-year-old girl.

How about a couple more useful Buffy links for those of us with zero self-control when it comes to the spoilers?

Here’s a link to Herc’s review of the 6.1/6.2 script , and a link to a site called “The Spoiler Slayer,” which meticulously keeps track of spoiler reliability (including our own).

I warn you not to defy me!

I am – Hercules!!

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