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Alleged M. Night conversation about SIGNS, INDY 4, the possibility of an UNBREAKABLE sequel and an alternative ending.

Hey folks, Harry here... I don't have any M. Night contacts to confirm this with, but Shyamalan news or rumors seem to be in sort supply, so just take this as possible BS, but possible truth. If true, I'm most intrigued by the idea that Sam Jackson wouldn't want to come back in a sequel to UNBREAKABLE, because Sam is quite enthusiastic about the film. And allegedly was the chief cheerleader for a trilogy. His Mr. Glass could so be developed to a complete new level. Because while we know villains may be weak where heroes are strong... they are also strong where heroes are weak. His inventions, plans, schemes would all become much grander. He has someone to play with now. Someone that he projects his pain on. Please make a sequel. God, I'd love that!!! I've watched my DVD about a five times already. Man I love that movie.

Harry and the Gang,

M. Night is big ol'pimp. I recently had the opportunity to talk to this wonder-director about his new film and the new Unbreakable DVD. A lot spilled out of this interview, but there are the most tasty pieces (mmmm... pieces).

Signs: Our pal Mel was only confirmed about 2 weeks ago. M. Knight actually wrote the part with a much older actor in mind. Although he didn't say specifically who, he strongly hinted at Sir Eastwood.

Mr. Knight said that no Alien will actually be seen in this film, although they will be heard, and communicate through the language of mathematics (not sure how they will show this, although I suppose the Crop Circles are a big hint).

Mr. Knight also stated that Moby will be providing the soundtrack for the film in collaboration with Howard Shore.

Indiana Jones: M. Night said that he was never formally contacted about the film. He did have several informal conversations with Spielberg and Ford. M. Night said that he was sure they would do it someday, just not any time soon.

And now for my grand finale...

M. Night said he would love to make Unbreakable 2. He said he does have a couple of different treatments he completed while working on the first film. He said if he did make the sequel it would involve Bruce Willis adjusting to his new status. He made the comment that he did not think Sam Jackson would do a second but he knew that Bruce would. M. Night stated that financing the film would probably be done through the star and director. The studio is apparently enthused over the numbers for the DVD release.

Speaking of that...

Cut from the DVD release was an alternate ending that shows Sam walking away from his wheelchair just as he send his mother out to deliver a package to the address of the tortured family. In the package was a new orange jump suit and a thank you card from Limited Edition.

This is a heap of info, feel free to slice and dice as you see fit.


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