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STAR WARS EPISODE 2 Will Not Be Released Globally On The Same Day!

Hey folks, Harry here... Seems like Uncle George and his sideman McCallum have decided to not go with a global release date like LORD OF THE RINGS, because apparently "It's way too difficult..." Well, given the current state of the online blackmarket, it'll probably be released globally anyway, of course watching EPISODE 2 on your computer for the first time would be like having sex with a hot apple pie... really pointless. But more and more are doing it. Reports of FINAL FANTASY and JURASSIC PARK 3 hitting the web in near DVD and DIVX quality days before either film had even opened... well, unless the industry figures out a better method of partrolling, it won't matter if a studio releases globally or not... it'll be released that way by the pirates. George's waiting for the 'digital theater' revolution may end up costing him in the short run... We'll see. I just wish, for all my foreign friends that the film was released same day across the world... alas....


here MRHA from the french website http://www.Starwars-Universe.Com In the latest Lucasfilm Magasine, Rick Mc Callum has said that there won't be a World release for Episode II. He say that it's way too difficult to make 35 or 40 dubbings together.

Here in France, it's a very bad news, remind that we had TPM five months after USA

It's all for this little news! MTFBWY!

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