Ain't It Cool News (

Farewell To CNN Goddess Lynne Russell

Greetings, CNN junkies! ROBOGEEK here with sad tidings.

I've been meaning to post something about this ever since I first heard the news, but... well, frankly I've been in denial.

CNN has been much in the news as of late due to various changes afoot in front of and behind the cameras, including the much-heralded return of Lou Dobbs to Moneyline earlier this week and the addition of former NYPD BLUE (and BABYLON 5) actress Andrea Thompson to the Headline News anchor desk next month - both on the heels of recent lay-offs of 400.

However, as a long-time CNN addict, the news that has had the most impact on me is the imminent departure of resident goddess (and prime-time weekday Headline News anchor) Lynne Russell, who has been a staple presence at the network for 18 years. The first woman to become a regular solo anchor of a daily evening prime-time newscast on network television, Russell is also the author of How to Win Friends, Kick Ass & Influence People (now available in paperback).

(Additionally, she happens to be a dual black belt in Choi Kwang Do, a Fulton County deputy sheriff in Atlanta, a licensed private investigator and bodyguard, and a certified open-water scuba diver. Really.)

Two days ago, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran an interview with Ms. Russell about her decision to resign, in which she expressed a need for "a mellower time" (something I can certainly relate to). Separately, she told the Associated Press "I just want freedom and independence and time."

I was thinking about penning a rhapsodic tribute to Ms. Russell today, but I don't think I could do a better job than Paul Farhi, Frank Ahrens and David Segal did in this morning's Washington Post. Their essay (in the form of an open letter to CNN President Teya Ryan) adroitly expresses the sentiments of Lynne devotees far and wide, including myself. It is a highly recommended read, and insightfully articulates why Russell is just so damn cool.


Lynne Russell's last shift on CNN Headline News is tonight from 6pm to midnight EST.

- Robogeek

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