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Movie News


You knew it had to happen, that the world would come to an end, that Schumacher would make a good movie that fans love and the there would be a SOUTH PARK MOVIE. Of course this was a bit of a no brainer, I mean when the following RAT. that eats Kenny intestines, told me that this was happening I realized that in this property lies the only product to mount a scary challenge to EPISODE ONE. Just imagine if they opened the same day.. imagine that line. Imagine the conversations racing through geek minds. Try balancing Star Wars and Asses with satelite dishes flying out of them. It's hard. and it hurts too...

Hey Harry been reading your sight for awhile and I love it. I have an intresting scoop that I thought I'd pass along. It seemed worthy enough because it was straight from the horse's mouth and I haven't seen any "official press" on it.

I live here in Denver, and our cable company TCI didn't carry comedy central for awhile. Well they brought it back and to commemerate it they had a question and answer session with Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Two of the coolest guys I've ever met. Anyway someone asked if there will ever be a South Park movie. They said yes, that it was in the works and it was slated to come out next summer. But here's the seems that the deal they made with Paramount allowed them to call the shots. So, in order for South Park to made Paramount had to allow Matt and Stone to an "R" rated version of SP!! Or they wouldn't do it!! Paramount tried to get them change but they said no dice. So they said next summer we can expect an "R" rated version of South Park!!

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