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Blue Pill reveals pictures from a different MATRIX 2 location! Click and collect them all!

Hey folks, Harry here... So now we've seen the production move from the open air streets, to the Weber Street tube in downtown Oakland.... This time we had the Blue Pill, itself, taking images for us... He/she/it blended and merged straight into the fence surrounding the set itself. As you can tell, he was freely able to just shift his location at will... Ahhhhh, AICN spies are like Matrix Agents mixed with Darkman.... They are everyone and noone, the teeming masses of wide open eyes... And they rule.... Here ya go....


I'm attaching some images I shot while watching the filming of Matrix 2 on the morning of March 29th at the Weber Street tube in downtown Oakland. I arrived at the scene just as they were about to film a sequence in which the silver Cadillac was being chased by the silver dreadlock dudes in their black Cadillac truck (which was being followed by about 4 or 5 fake police cars). As security seriously tightened right before the scene was shot, I was not able to capture any images while the scene was being shot. But what I did capture was taken immediately before and after the scene. The scene I saw may have been the same one that Burlyman described, because I saw the silver Cad make a right turn (heading toward the exit of the pillar area under I-880) and crash into something. There was a loud crashing sound, and I saw sparks flying. I thought this was part of the scene, but Burlyman makes it sound like this was an "accident". However, Burlyman was describing a "basement level parking garage" scene. There were cars parked in this area, but it was an area under I-880 near the Weber tube entrance.

Anyway, here are the images. There are 13 in all, so it looks like I'll need to send 4 additional messages.

Blue Pill

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