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Movie News

You have heard it described, now see it for yourself! JURASSIC PARK 3 set at Universal!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... You've heard our spies describe the goings on, the construction of .... well, here are Quint's exact words:

"There was also a huge Cliffside being constructed. This thing was gigantic! It must have been a half a mile in circumference and the cliffside itself stood about 150-200 feet high."

He narrowly avoided capture... escaped the shark and returned without PICTURES.... after beating him severly, Quint asked for more, but to teach him a lesson, I let him heal up instead. That'll show em. Anyway, the excellent team of spies over at MousePlanet.Com have got those photos and hear are but two of the many.... to see the rest... CLICK HERE!!!

Just got this in, so I figured you good folks would want to hear it... Sounds like a potential natural disaister in the future for our intrepid adventurers... here's David with the latest...

Hi Harry, my name is David, and I have some information to add to what you already have about the "cliffside" contruction being erected at the Universal Studios backlot. I was there last week with my girlfriend, and on the tram tour, the guide informed us that what was being built there was in fact a volcano for Jurassic Park 3. Looks like construction is moving rapidly, because last week, it was all pipes and scaffolding, and the "rock" wasn't in place yet.


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