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Hollywood Reporter confirms Sam Neill talking 'bout JP3

Today's Hollywood Reporter confirmed my report yesterday about Sam Neill's talks about JURASSIC PARK 3. Personally, this is one of those.... YIPPEE!!! Moments because... Sam was THE MAN in JURASSIC PARK, and having his character back for this third film will go a long way towards building interest in the project, which... well... until that trailer debuts on that dang JURASSIC PARK DVD... well, the interest is gonna possibly be a little slow. However, I'm quite excited. Joe Johnston is capable of bringing us a completely thrilling fun rollicking adventure (like THE ROCKETEER) and I'm hoping for quite something this time out. The coolest thing to do with this film is to have the 12 year old character eaten by a dinosaur as quickly as possible, to just state up front.... NOT DIRECTED BY STEVEN SPIELBERG.... I love the Beard, but dammit... dinosaurs would go after the kids first... and the kids would spaz and be eaten. It's nobodys fault... Nature is cruel that way. I mean, in that WALKING WITH DINOSAURS documentary... it always pointed out how carnivores went after the wounded and the young. Munch munch munch. Come on.... do it

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