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Movie News

Alan Grant to return to JURASSIC PARK 3'

Hey folks, just got in from swimming and watching a 230 year old man f.. Forget I mentioned it. I mean, gosh, I needed a q-tip and... Ehhehehehehe... SICK! Well, I came in and received a contact from Major Bludd, who is... one of those types of people, well... seems that Sam Neill has appeared on some documents from UNIVERSAL into the agent/management ranks as returning to JURASSIC PARK. NOW.... If you remember, Johnston commented that we would be seeing a return engagement by one or two of the cast from the original film. Now... I was hoping that it would be Alan Grant, and I'm glad that my wish seems to be on track. We're following up on Major Bludd's scoop, but so far it's looking right. Harry out...

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