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In Search For Steve Norrington.... (director of BLADE) by Sister Satan

Hey folks, Harry here. Sometimes here at Geek Headquarters we send out field agents to search for information on what a fave director has been up to. This time it was my own kid sister. That's right... Sister Satan went out into the world. Sure, she's just 18... got a kid on the way... but damn it, I trained her myself to "Get The Job Done," as Gregory Peck always used to say. She loved the movie BLADE, and wanted to go find out what the director of that film was up to. I told her that he was just in development on BROTHER TERMITE for James Cameron's LIGHTSTORM ENTERTAINMENT. But she said.... Well... I'll let ol Sister Satan tell ya herself...

Big Bro,

Following our conversation and with your few tips (Norrington's agent is that Newman fella, he's got something going on at Lightstorm and he likes cool things) I took off on my first adventure into the heart of darkness, Los Angeles.

I first tried to get a job as a reader for the agency that Norrington's agent works at. I figured I could stumble into his office, rifle through the files, shove a few pages of information down the back of my mini. However, they were not hiring. :(

Then I tried LIGHTSTORM. The layout was exactly like you said it was. Real simple. Smile at the guard. Slip him a mickie and then on up to Cameron's office for a look at the BROTHER TERMITE test reels from a whole smorgasborg of effects companies. The tests done for the VFX were amazing and proved that the movie would be made with revolutionary techniques that you've never seen before involving some amazing synthespian type of things. According to the memos and schedules laying about, it looks like the picture is getting budgeted so we'll have a better idea of the scope of the production first quarter of next year, when I break back into LIGHTSTORM.

While going through the documents there was a strange bit about allocating editing space for Norrington and a project called THE LAST MINUTE. Apparently the way the wording was, it seemed to me that it was happening as I was reading. So I looked around and found the editting area at LIGHTSTORM.

There was a light on and somebody was working. I recognized him right off. It was Steve Norrington himself. He was a bit haggard looking. He was right there at the ol AVID cutting away on a film. Yup, that's what I said. He was cutting away on a film. THE LAST MINUTE. From what I could tell there seemed to be at least a couple of musical dance numbers and seemed to be going for that SCHIZOPOLIS/TRAINSPOTTING/OLIVER! type o thing. Maybe even a dash of the ol ultra-violence, if you catch my meaning guvonor. Most of what I saw was strictly visuals, but I did notice that it had a ton of UK actors. I saw Ciaran McMenamin, Kate Ashfield, Tom Bell, Max Beesley and Jason Issacs. It seemed that Norrington was the only person working on the film. I didn't notice any assistants, noone bringing him coffee. I almost brought him a cup myself, but that would surely blow my cover. At one point he left for the restroom so I made a run for the editting room. I found the script for THE LAST MINUTE, his very copy. He wrote it himself, so my guess is that this is a very personal project. It seems PALM PICTURES is going to end up with this film. Looking through Steve's stuff made me notice that he doesn't really have a schedule for this film. Seems like he's just doing it at his own pace. He's doing the editting, sound effects and even music supervision all himself. And from his calendar it looks like he'll be finished by next summer. I heard a flush of a toilet and made my way back to my perch. He stayed in there editting for almost 12 straight hours.... He seems really dedicated to this.

Of course, he's probably enjoying the freedom of not having to answer to a billion suits. I left some mini-cams and bugs all about the place, so I'm hoping to get ya some more dish on what Steve's up to. Oh yeah... he seems to have another script he's written called GODHEAD. I don't know anything about that. Yet. But you know me Bro, I'm on it like Bonnie was on Clyde. Oh yeah, your readers should know I did this mission like 4 weeks ago, I've just wanted to cover my tracks. Besides... everyone knows that Stevie is probably off snow-boarding somewhere for the holidays.

Oh yeah, thanks for the new computer for Christmas. You're the best! Come over tomorrow if you have the time. Till then,


Sister Satan

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