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Jumpin' Gigawatts! Doc Brown goes back to the slots!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Now, being a geek who likes to gamble, I had to make mention of this. BACK TO THE FUTURE the Slot Machine.

Now, if this was just some slot company slapping together a novelty machine this wouldn't interest me or warrant a post on the subject. Some might still think it doesn't warrant a post, but what the hell. I think it's cool.

They actually got writer Bob Gale and Christopher Lloyd to return for the video slot machine. Lloyd dons the white wig again and steps into the role of Doc Brown. So, I guess now that you can't go to Universal Studios and ride the film and see Lloyd in the role anymore, you can just hit Vegas to see Doc Brown in action!

I may be going to Vegas next month. You better believe I'll keep an eye out for this machine. I'm not a big slot player, but I am a giant geek, so bye-bye money. I gots to see new Doc Brown footage!!! For more information, you can check out an interview with Gale and the slot developer Joe Kaminkow over at the ultimatle Back to the Future fansite,

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