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Team FARSCAPE!! Frak Yeah!! Herc and Maureen Ryan Implore You To Watch Tonight's 200th STARGATE SG1!!

"Not if you hang a lantern on it!"

I am – Hercules!!

I am highly ambivalent about SciFi’s “Stargate SG1”! Seldom give it a moment’s thought. Yet I now recommend tonight’s very 200th episode, which makes great fun of itself, “Farscape,” “Firefly,” “Star Trek,” “Star Wars,” “The Invisible Man,” “The Wizard of Oz” and even kinda “Team America: World Police.”

It’s about an effort to create a movie (or is it a TV-movie?) based on the TV show “Wormhole Xtreme,” which is really about characters of “SG1.”

Your head hurts? Mine too!

When the good people at SciFi sent along the “SG1” season premiere several weeks ago, I thought, “Wow, this looks cheap and uninviting.” Turns out its producers were saving all their monies for tonight’s 200th episode. Which features many costume changes and puppets.

As it happens, the writers of “SG1” are really a bunch of frustrated Trey Parker-loving sitcom scribes who maybe think their TV show is as screwy as I think it is.

It took seven guys to write this thing:
Brad Wright (“Poltergeist: The Legacy”);
Robert C. Cooper (“Psi Factor”);
Joseph Mallozzzi (“The Lost World”);
Paul Mullie (“The Lost World”);
Carl Binder (“Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman”);
Martin Gero (“Stargate: Atlantis”); &
Alan McCullough (“Chilly Beach”).

I want to point out, however, that if “Battlestar Galactica” ever attempts an episode like this, I will stop watching, forever and immediately.

The Chicago Tribune’s super-dreamy Maureen Ryan writes at length about tonight’s exceedingly strange but highly enjoyable “SG1” installment here.

9 p.m. Friday. SciFi.

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