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THE FOUNTAIN Has Been Pushed Back...But Not By Much!!

Merrick here...

Warner Brothers has pushed back the release of Darren Aronofsky's THE FOUNTAIN. It was originally scheduled to hit October 13. The film will now open November 22. This will allow more time for advertising, and to build up “word of mouth”.

The new date represents the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, a coveted date for films hoping to make a splash during the Christmas movie season. While not implicitly stated by Warners, it should be noted that movies released around this time tend to enjoy a bit more attention in the Oscar race than films released earlier in the year.

THE FOUNTAIN will now open against the Jerry Bruckheimer produced/Tony Scott directed DÉJÀ VU - a film which also involves a dude trying to save a girl, and funkiness in the time stream. A strange clustering...not so sure that's wise. Hopefully, this won’t be too confusing to the non-Geek masses out there.

Hollywood Reporter has an article about it, which you can read HERE.

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