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ANIME AICN - Mecha on the Mind

Logo handmade by Bannister
Column by Scott Green

Anime Spotlight: Mazinkaizer
volumes 1 and 2

Released by ADV

As genre fans age, there is a desire for a form of art that's entertaining, affirms their love of the genre and profound. In giant robots it is the comforting, smash the threat with an ultimately invincible armor updated to speak to us later in life, or the opposite, the giant robot as a metaphor, usually as a contradictory reflection of inadequacies. So in series like Gundam and Evangelion that leverage the giant robot as a metaphor, or Votoms and Gasaraki that apply logical caution to the concept, regardless of the debatable successes or failures of the works, fans of the genre are going to want the works to succeed at raising the subject matter.

Mazikaizer takes the opposite tract, adopting a stance of anti-relevance. OAV captures fan's buzzed retrospective that looks back with excitement as well as both reverence and irreverence at the material in its early stages, before being found by convention. Paced like an over-stimulated rant, Mazinkaizer has the grown up juvenile beat of geeks sitting around might conjure up. Aimed at an older audience, it's mythology stripped on it's instruction, leaving just the titanic momentum.

The nice thing about a Go Nagai subject for on these childhood carry overs is that the mentality is far less retrograde than many. While they are power fantasies, they are far less about being secretly special than about being able to stand up to the job. The heroes tend to be closer to (young) Philip Marlowe than Clark Kent. They reflect their crazy world, and if lucky, do it one better.

Like many of Go Nagai's giant robots, there is something of a demon-god in the MazinKaizer, with its bat-wing chest emblem and horned crown head, but it's still light on metaphor. There's no debate whether its a protective shell or an outward expansion. In terms of expression, its more like a dangerous weapon than a suit of armor.

For these characters the word of giant robots is difficult and dangerous and crazy, yet they are at home with it. Not quite glib slick heroes and between stoic and emotional veins, Go Nagai's mecha pilots are trash talkers, ready to close and job and beat their adversaries. It's not really about having their hearts in the right place, its about the smartest guy, with the best weapon and the biggest balls winning. Even the inept characters keep on rushing towards threats and eventually contribute.

Released several years ago, finding copies of Mazinkaizer may require a bit of a hunt, but for classic giant robot fans gearing up for this summer's (hopefully) Game Boy release of Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation and the fall's release of Gaogaigar, Mazinkaizer is a perfect first course.

It's important to recognize that, as its name suggest, Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation features original characters and giant robots, not the genre detonation showcasing Macross and Gundam and Evangelion and Nadesico and just about everything else of significance. But the games franchise and Mazinkaizer are linked by creative staff cross-overs, and the same brand of clever, spirited homage is found in both.

This retro-exuberance finds its perfect mate in the Go Nagai pantheon. Nagai excelled at creating robots whose very names are power incantations worth yelling out, if not yelling out the name and punch the kid next to you. MAZINKAIZER! MAZINGER! Old school fans might know to yell Mazinger too because Mazinkaizer is the pinnacle of the Mazinger lineage, which started as Mazinger Z. Mazinger aired as Tranzor Z in North America, a name that far more dully mechanical. tran-zor...tran-zor MAZINGERRRR!

You so Mazinger/Tranzor as a child, even if not by name, you remember it. The purpose of Mazinger Z seemed to be to confuse children. If Go Nagai has deliberately trying to be so contrary as to teach children to question what they are presented Mazinger did the trick.

Not just logic-defying, but almost anti-logical, even credulous children had to start wondering why the giant robot is kept under a swimming pool that needs to be drained during every launch, or what the advantage is of a pilot capsule that is a small plane flies a short distance before crowing the robot's head. (Mazinkaizer thinks of a few reason) For some reason, five useless lions robots that combine into one effective humanoid robot made infinitely more sense. Then, there was the whole compendium of overt sexual oddity from breast missiles to hermaphrodite villains.

This aside, the actual concept is straight forward. Created in 1972, Mazinger has the claim of being the first giant robot piloted from within. In 73 he created Cutey Honey who is said to be the first transforming magical girl and in 75 he created Getter Robo, said be to the first combining giant robot. If Tezuka was the "God of Manga", Go Nagai was the crazy uncle. Though his work tended to pretty batty, somehow the vast majority, including these robots and magic-girls ended up looking more than vaguely demonic, he established a number of the tenants of popular anime and manga. If there was a theme to Nagai's somewhat tied together body of work (in which even goofy bondage comedy heroine Kekko Kamen, who wears only a mask, boots and glove had a cross-over into brutal post apocalyptic grind manga Violence Jack ) it is somewhat philanthropically disposed madness holding off the more nihilistic varieties of insanity. Kouji Kabuto is the young defender of the Photon Energy Research Laboratory, who flies a hover-plane into the head of the fist launching giant robot Mazinger Z. Along with Sayaka Yumi, pilot of the less effective, but shapely Aphrodite A (source of the memorable breast missile) and Boss, pilot of the still less effective Boss Borot (a flailing trash heap construct), Kobuto thwarts Dr Hell's plans of conquest.

As Mazinkaizer opens, the Mazinger Z, Aphrodite A, and even after a dramatic stitched together cape-clad entrance, the Boss Borot find themselves overwhelmed by Dr Hell's latest robot monster blitz. Even spin-off hero Tetsuya Tsurugi in the Great Mazinger fails to turn the tide. With Mazinger captured and harness by Dr Hell's servants, Kouji finds himself in a previously hidden complex storing his grandfather's greatest robot creation, the Mazinkaizer. In the fashion of a Go Nagai conflict pitting somewhat benevolent if none the less dangerous mad scientists against domination seeking mad scientists, a recording of Juuzou Kabuto informs his grandson that while Mazinger had the capacity to act as a god or a devil, Mazinkaizer surpasses that. So Kouji, not an individual with low self confidence or a reticence toward action, takes this loaded, safety-less weapon and rushes back into the fray.

Some versions of Nagi's horror-super-heroes lineage (Devilman, Lady Devilman, Mao Dante) are emotionally saddled and hesitant. Not so much in Kouji.
There's plenty in the body of work about the dangers and consequences of power, and still the heroes, especially the mecha pilot heroes are dead-quick to grab it and wield it.

Released in Japan in 2001 as one of the infrequent, post crash direct to video OVAs. This format has focused on animating the highlights of a concept rather than a real story arc. With episodes releases, in the briefer instances, months apart, story flow isn't a concern in the way it would be in a televised anime. The seven episode Mazinkaizer is a climaxing conflict, but watching the episodes contiguously is a punchy experience. Episodes oscillate between seldom connected straight faced and overtly zany clashes between the Mazinger team and Dr. Hell.

The comedy episode lead into the greater story, but there's a stand alone, almost what-if quality. The half-smart childish humor hops around sexual humor, especially around frustration (mainly from boss), but there is little nudity but even with a beach episode . The creators seems to go that they are don't need to sexually excite the viewers, Instead they find humor in fitting these huge personalities and egos into relatively more mundane situations.

Appropriately the, serious isn't quite the right word, episodes are yell out loud crazy. As in a good rant, they snow ball up, then avalanche. The final two episodes in particular have such a dizzying "and THEN" quality that it cuts off blood to the brain as if the plot was conforming to the mad convolutions of its characters' minds. Dr Hell unleashes a giant robot from Mycenaean age, but that's a feint to infect the Aphrodite A with a robot parasite, but that's a feint too as another robot monster blitz attacks, and that's just the opening gambit.

Given a seven episode anime that's intends to be a higher octane version of the already crazy Mazinger, this is what needs to be done, rather than fighting Garada for the nTh time. While great fun, something like Mazinkaizer is an act of strip mining the franchise. Or to spin it positively, a Viking funeral for a franchise old enough to be put to rest. What do you do after Mazinkaizer? You've ratcheted up the power as far as it should go, and ultimately torn through all the foes (Answer, a little more Mazinkaizer, in the untranslated Mazinkaiser vs Great Darkness General). Maybe Mazinger is something you can revisit as comedy, but besides as a crazy scorched earth conclusion this one, unlike with a bit more substantial characters, say Getter Robo, Mazinger is not something to deconstructed or re-imagined.

Anime Spotlight: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig

Volumes 4 and 5

In that the series is not only crisply animated and pulsingly exciting, but a call to examine a set of ideas, Stand Alone Complex continues to set a high bar for mature audience animated works to follow.
The word "robot" has been used in sci-fi since 1921, with "android" coined in the previous century. Since then, the themes reconciling of flesh and blood humanity from its artificially create duplicates has become rote.
We've all been so inundated with these stories, the philosophical core passes through us without engaging intellectual thought.
Even a jarring work like Spielberg's AI evokes more discussion for its visual and storytelling decisions than the metaphysical core. The stories that engage this high level re-creation at best can be effective at an emotional level, the tragedies of Battle Angel Alita for example. Besides the familiarity, the trouble with these works is that for better than half a century we have witness the efforts of creating these creations being pursued in earnest. The limitations have been seen and no one expects to bump into R. Bob at the office.

What can be fascinating is the area that can be studied with some technical depth. Informed speculative thought can be applied to information networks and cognative studies and it can be applied to artificial limbs and body replacements.

Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig throws out enough information, details and discourse to cause a halt, then an examination. It drafts a credible argument as to how technology bridges humanity to a more streamed of information, and what the consequence of that development would be. Not an indictment to vehicle for a specific metaphysical concern, Stand Alone Complex presents a holistic examination of how these technologies change human interaction through the lens of the people whose lives are violently tied to it.

The dissemination of trends was under the microscope in the first Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. The second builds on this as an aspect of larger social movements in a "World Is Flat" age. The semi-governmental operatives of Section 9 find themselves at the front lines of intersecting revolutions from within the society and from a population of refugees. The latter in particular is relevant to the hot concerns of the our moment.

Urban guerilla warfare is a component of these new conflicts, but the key distinguishing characteristic is the osmosis of information. Institutions such as governments or corporations still clearly have the most resources. Because they funded the development, they have access to the most advanced edge of technology. Though contentious, they are interconnected and have access to the support of each other. While the movements from revolutionaries and especially the outsiders do not have this access to resources, the battle field is leveled both by flow of information. Going outward, the media and internet gives them the ability to infect outsiders with their ideas. Taking information in, both the key manifestos and secrets are available either freely or illicitly. And even the materials are available as arms and uranium can be purchased from failed states.

Though the protagonists of Section 9 are on the forefront of conflict driven innovation, they take the viewer into their struggle to grasp the scope of how the world is changing, as if there cutting through a technological fog of war. There's a sense that society does not and will not understand the full implication of the technology until the war/revolution is over, but by necessity these forerunners have to make the attempt to piece it together. The series is consistently building on the complexity. Even the episodes that looking at the members of Section 9, and for fans of the franchise, it is noteworthy that these volumes look at the team members original to the Stand Alone Complex (which includes a view of younger Batou and Ishikawa), look at what personalities draw one to step into this world.

At times Stand Alone Complex can be stingy about revealing the details of how its world works. Compared to other Ghost in the Shell works, Stand Alone Complex is not as alienating as Mamuro Oshii's take that leaves in impression of half overhearing a conversation from an uncompromisingly intellectual thinker or as sketch book disorganized as Masamune Shirow's explanation crowded margins. Less so in these volumes, but for the first season in a half it operatives as if the viewer was familiar with the common knowledge of its world. If there was advanced information or an esoteric concept, they would be explained, but the events of its world history and the elements of its everyday technology would not.

Not only do these volume volunteer third and fourth world wars, instead of just alluding to international conflict, it gives the detail that the third was nuclear and fourth was not. In these volumes the series begins couching its conflict in known terms, revealing a subset of its concerns to be 20th century carry overs, particularly the post World War II constitution and of that, the military restrictions of article 9.

Part of the strength of the anime is the caliber of adversaries. In the season's second half, it builds up a key player in the revolutionary ferments, with an explectectly complex role. From a narrative standpoint, this character is established as a force capable of holding his own against the uber-competant protagonists. In many ways he is on the same footing, having to deal with the same x-factors, just backed by a plot that keeps them ahead of the protagonists.

This pays dividends in the series' ideological interactions. Unlike most current media is exhibits an unweighted attitude towards terrorism, which allows for actual discussions. There's a real clash of idea and methods at work rather than action playing over a background of political cartoon.
Refreshingly, real arguments and viewpoints are presented from each side. The anime isn't satisfied just presenting ideas that reflect real concerns. It delves into them.

Unlike earlier parts of 2nd Gig, or the first season, this set of episodes is narrower and sharper on the use of a meta level. Even the "Stand Alone Complex" title is a reference to how media influences action. References in these episodes are obvert and in one case an almost direct comment to anime viewers. Though lighter, there is a cognizant wink to how the episodes and the characters lives mirror movies. When a character recounts his past, other challenge him, saying he's borrowing his from movies.

Similarly, the episodes are careful but not always successful at avoiding results that are predictable based on fictional convention. Its characters are canny and anticipatory and the narrative encourages viewer to doubt and think. Sometimes it leads you to the obvious destination, but it has primed you to look for the dead ends and double-backs along the way.

Ironically, for an English speaking audience, this nimble media cognition comes around to slap the anime. The financial rounding scheme from Office Space plays a significant role in a central conflict. Office Space certainly isn't the own work of fiction to propose the scheme, you can hear mathematically inclined children forwarding the idea, and Office Space appears to have only made it to Japan in VHS, but it's still jarring to see the idea re-used in a terrorist plot.

Hollywood Adapations

Fargoria reports MPD Pyscho, a manga previously adapted into a TV mini series by Takashi Miike, Tomie, from Junji Ito are being re-adapted by Dimension Films.

Anime News Network reports that Hideyuki Kikuchi's 4th Vampire Hunter D includes the postscript

"This is how the hero known as Vampire Hunter D came to be. I was thirty-three when I gave life to him, and I continue writing about his adventures twenty-two years later. Not only in novels now, he's spread to animation and games, and plans for his Hollywood debut and an American comic version are progressing nicely. However, more than anything, it pleases me that the novels have found acceptance and an audience with you."

Mamoru Oshii Talks Goro Miyazaki has posted a translation of Ghost in the Shell movie director Mamoru Oshii's comments on Goro Miyazaki's role in Gedo Senki here. Oshii worked as an animator in the movie.

ADV Talks 10th Anniversary Box

ADV has talked to ICV2 concerning the limited edition 10th Anniversary Edition of Neon Genesis Evangelion. The multi-DVD box set ($299.98), which will be available late this summer, will include every video extra ever prepared for the NGE series as well as a wide variety of premium items ranging from bumper stickers to an embroidered jacket (accessible to fans via a mail-in card on which they can designate the correct size).

ICv2 asked why ADV is releasing yet another edition of Evangelion. ADV Senior Vice President -- Creative Development Matt Greenfield replied. "The reason for re-releasing the series in a 10th Anniversary Edition is to restore all the commentaries and extras that were left out of our Platinum Thin-Pack Edition, so that the true disciple can completely immerse themselves in the total EVA experience," he said. "Plus they get a cool jacket."

Asked about the reasons for the series' continuing popularity, Greenfield expounded: "What makes EVA unique is that in many ways it is a macrocosm of animes all existing at the same time but in many universes, using a basic framework of conventional anime characters and archetypes. Anno and the Gainax team have fashioned a work of art that changes with each repeat view. Layers upon layers of meaning and symbolism mean that every time you watch it a new facet is revealed, which changes the perception of the whole."

Gauging Earthsea Anticipation reports "Nikkei Entertainment" magazine announced the result of the questionnaire, "Which Japanese movie do you want to see most after June?" 5,600 people were surveyed.

1st: Sinking of Japan (1031 points)
2nd: Gedo Senki (Tales from Earthsea) (919)
3rd: Trick2 (753)
6th: Death Note (244)
15th: Brave Story (85)

1st: Trick2
2nd: Gedo Senki
3rd: Death Note

1st: Gedo Senki
2nd: Trick2
3rd: Sinking of Japan

1st: Sinking of Japan
2nd: Gedo Senki
3rd: Trick2

1st: Sinking of Japan
2nd: Bushi no Ichibun
3rd: Gedo Senki

Eden no Hana Drama Continues

Comipress points out that Wow Korea reports that Korean live action drama "One Fine Day" is being criticized for its similarities to manga "Eden no Hana". Seoulnavi Pictures, the producer of One Fine Day explained that the TV series was to have been based on the manga, but after Eden no Hana was pulled by publisher Kodansha the deal fell through. Seoulnavi opted to continue the work with a changed plot, especially in the later phases on the series. The manga came under criticism for duplicating panels from popular basketball manga Slam Dunk.

New Kenshin Site points out that has been launched to promote the Japanese re-release of the Ruruoni Kenshin anime and manga.

Manga Views

David Welsh interviews Yumi Hoashi, Editor-in-Chief of and Vice President of Magazines for Viz for Comics World News' Flipped Column.

From Manga Blog Tracing the use of oversized breasts in manga

The Dangers of Shoujo spawn a TOKYOPOP forum debate

The Visual Linguist looks at how children learn to read manga.

Lubbock Online tries to look behind cute.

Irresponsible Pictures points out an article on Queenie Chan's career as an independent creator, and The Beat's link summary.

Comipress has translated an article looking at the effect of photocopiers on the manga industry, especially how Leiji Matsumoto used the technology.

Comipress has translated an article looking at the endings of Shonen Jump series that were cancelled before their planned conclusions, particularly Shaman King.

Upcoming Dark Horse Releases

September 13
Blade Of The Immortal #117
Written and art by Hiroaki Samura.
The conclusion of the "On the Perfection of Anatomy" story arc, and. . .the return of Giichi! This issue also continues Hiroaki Samura's hilarious "Biography" piece, accompanied by hard-to-find Samura pinups‹extras found only in this monthly series!

November 1
Eden: It's An Endless World! Volume 5 Tpb
Written and art by Hiroki Endo.
216 pages, black and white, $12.95

Trigun Maximum Volume 11: Zero Hour Tpb
Written and art by Yasuhiro.
192 pages, black and white, $9.95

November 8th
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Volume 3 -- White Maze
Written by Junichi Fujisaku.
The year is 2030. Advances in robotics and cyberbrain technology have transformed the world into a miraculous place where almost anything is possible‹even the melding of humans and machines. In this not-too-distant future, the crimes of flesh and metal are investigated by Section 9, an elite counterterrorist squad headed by Chief Aramaki and his cyborg sidekick, Major Motoko Kusanagi. When dead bodies, drained of blood and with two bite marks on their necks, start turning up on the streets of Tokyo, it isn't long before the entire city is in a panic. As Major Kusanagi and the other members of Section 9 investigate the killings they begin to wonder‹is the killer a real vampire or something much worse? In a dark world of murder, where cyberbrain hacks and treacherous conspiracies reach to the furthest heights of government, Section 9 is all that stands between the people and anarchy.
276 pages, $8.95

November 15
Mail Volume 2 Tpb
Written and art by Housui Yamazaki.
208 pages, black and white, $10.95

November 22
Roman Album: Samurai Champloo Tpb
Edited by Tokuma Champloos.
This hip-hop anime sensation from the creators of the phenomenal Cowboy Bebop series took Cartoon Network's [Adult Swim] audience by storm. Dark Horse is pleased to present the very first Samurai Champloo art book to English-reading fans as directly translated from the original Roman Album edition -- a volume published in a prestigious line of Japanese art books! Main characters Mugen, Jin, and Fuu are each profiled at length, all 26 episodes are summarized and illustrated with screen captures, and the "Backstage Champloo" chapter features interviews with famed director Shinichiro Watanabe, character designer and chief animator Kazuto Nakazawa, and art director Takeshi Waki.
104 pages, $17.95

November 29
Berserk Volume 14 Tpb
Written and art by Kentaro Miura.
Also included in this volume: "Berserk Prototype," the very first Berserk story, created during Kentaro Miura's college days as his audition that sold the series.
240 pages, black and white, $13.95

Shaman Warrior Volume 1 Tpb
Written and art by Park Joong-Ki.
Presented in the original Korean format, Shaman Warrior is a dramatic fantasy series with a kinetic style that will appeal to fans of Blade of the Immortal and Vagabond! From the desert wastelands emerge two mysterious warriors, master wizard Yarong and his faithful servant Batu. On a grave mission from their king, they have yet to realize the whirlwind of political movements and secret plots which will soon engulf them and change their lives forever. When Yarong is mortally injured, Batu must fulfill a secret promise to leave Yarong's side and protect his master's child. As Batu seeks to find and hide the infant, Yarong reveals another secret to those who have tracked him down to finish him off -- the deadly, hidden power of a Shaman Warrior! Translated by the mother/son team of Anna Kirk and Derek Kirk Kim.
208 pages, black and white, $12.95

Random Pop

Patrick Macias has recently posted a number of interesting photos of pop culture manifestation in Japan on his blog An Eternal Thought in the Mind of Godzilla

No photos sign from Moe Burger

Yamato auto inspection depot

Anime pachinko

Speaking of Macias, Anime News Network's forum points out that Pulp magazine website associated with Viz's now defaunct older audience, alternative anthology still features many of the magazine's features.

From AltJapan Interesring truck paint jobs Mistranslating pancake instructions

The Beat points out a particuraly disturbing candy tin

MangaBlog points out a translation of anti-human rights manga

Speeking of fans translations, Same Hat has been working on some short Junji Ito work.

AniPages Daily has examined the early 90's horror action 3x3 Eyes here

Anime News Network reports Digital World Tokyo has an article about 80+1, a maid cafe that features an all female staff catering almost exclusively to a female clientelle.

From Comipress, because innocently cute girls should be paired with weapons, Ikaros Shobo is starting a new new bishoujo/military magazine called MC?Axis. Eagle Publishing and the "Moe Weapons Development Committee" will be releasing Moe Moe Weapns Encylopedia, with "over 50 different weapons will be introduced to readers by beautiful girls drawn by 17 different artists". Sample and the Moe Moe Arms Encyclopedia looking at firearmsincluding AK-47, Beretta M92, Colt M1911, and more Sample

Game News

News reports Hero Factory Inc. has announced the June 30th release of its Robotech Collectible Card Game . The Robotech CCG will feature screen stills and other artwork from the classic Robotech anime series provided by license holder Harmony Gold.

The first Robotech CCG release will consist of two SKUs, a Robotech CCG Starter Deck Box Set (MSRP $9.99) and a Robotech CCG Deck Box (MSRP $2.49). The first wave will consist of starter decks and theme decks with booster packs planned for a later release. The first series in the Robotech CCG will consist of 216 cards.

Magic Box has images of Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 for the PSP here

Teaser Online for Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers

Twitch points out that a teaser site for Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers at Official Website is online.

There were rumors that Takashi Miike was attached to this Ultraman. Instead, he's reportedly going to direct the 2008 remake of giant rock warrior Daimajin.

Death Note Tribute Ablum

Comipress reports that "Death Note Tribute" featuring a civer from the manga's illustrator Takeshi Obata will feature 15 songs from artists including BUCK-TICK, Kirito, Demon Kogure Kakka (Sir Demon Kogure). See here for more.

Toynami Acquires Toy License for BLEACH reports Toynami announces that it has acquired the license to create figurines, statues and collectibles based on Bleach. Toynami plans to create both non-articulated and articulated action figures and figurines, resin figurines with diorama bases, collectible and limited-edition statues, and deluxe 1 4-scale collectible maquettes, as well as the company's trademark bookends. More details on the product line and pricing information will be released soon. The first products are expected to arrive in stores Fall 2006.

Yunmao Ayakawa, Cosplay 'Top Model', to Debut Cove Pirate Mercenary Character

TenBu Productions, a new independent production studio and Asian entertainment licensing company, announced that Yunmao Ayakawa (Japan), top Japanese cosplay model, will make her American debut as Cove, Pirate Mercenary's 7th character Toki Takahasu. Ayakawa's appearance is one of several special highlights planned to promote the new title during this year's Anime Mid-Atlantic conference in Richmond Virginia.

Ayakawa will debut in the United States as the eccentric female mercenary, Toki Takahasu, courtesy of TenBu Productions and Big Fighter Project for the Cove, Pirate Mercenary release. The lavish costume to be worn by the model was specially designed by a Japanese firm, "All Japan Team", for the launch of the title. Anime Mid-Atlantic attendees will have an opportunity to be photographed with the model and costume at scheduled times during the event.

Ayakawa will be featured in several panels during the event including:
- TenBu Productions Project [Friday, May 16, 2006 at 4:00 PM]
- Cosplay from Japan [Saturday, May 17, 2006 at 3:00 PM]
- Akihabara, Japan: Home of Anime [Sunday, May 18, 2006 at 1 PM]

She will also be on hand at the TenBu Productions booth autographing copies of Cove, Pirate Mercenary. The new graphic novel, written and illustrated by Austell Callwood, is written in both English and Japanese. The limited edition package will feature 96 black & white pages of the manga, an ashcan (pre-story), production notes and posters. The title, classified as fantasy adventure, is appropriate for readers 16 years old and older.

The Cove, Pirate Mercenary package will be available for sale at the Anime Mid-Atlantic conference June 16-18, 2006 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center located in Richmond Virginia. The title will also be available for sale at the company's retail store, Anime FX and online at, beginning June 19, 2006. The full release is scheduled for December 2006.

Anime Expo Announces Another Guest

Anime Expo, at the Anaheim Convention Center July 1-4, 2006 has added Atsuko Nakajima to their guest of honor list.

Ms. Atsuko Nakajima is one of the most sought out Character Designers and Animation Directors in the anime industry. As a character designer, she has provided us with many memorable designs for television series such as RANMA 1/2, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST and GETBACKERS.

Ms. Nakajima's credits as an animation director are even more extensive. Highlights from her career include URUSEI YATSURA, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST, RANMA 1/2, GETBACKERS, HAUNTED JUNCTION and we could go on. She has also worked as an painter, key animator and finisher on a plethora of other titles.

Ms. Nakajima joins, previously announced, CLAMP, Seiji Mizushima, Vic Mignogna, Laura Bailey, Mick Takeuchi , Yutaka Izubuchi, Tomoki Kyoda, Koge-Donbo, Romi Paku and Hiroshi Nagahama as Anime Expo(r) 2006 official Guests of Honor.

Geneon Premieres

Shana Volume 1, to be released 09/05/2006
Yuji Sakai is about to learn that there is more to the world than going to school and finding a girl friend when he meets a sword-wielding girl with fiery red eyes and flame colored hair. Denizens of the Crimson Realm are invading our world and its up to the Flame Haze, Shana to slay them. However, when Yuji gets in the way of her sword, he learns that death is much more different than he imagined it would be. Experience their story as Yuji and Shana work together to defeat the Denizens of the Crimson World and learn more about each other and the worlds they are from.

Zipang Volume 1, to be released 09/05/2006
Scheduled for routine military exercises, Kadomatsu and the crew of Japan''s newest and most modern battlecruiser, Mirai, are ready to test out the ship's state-of-the-art AEGIS systems. Instead, they find themselves transported back to June 4th, 1942 - date of the crucial Battle of Midway, where the Japanese fleet was dealt a crippling blow. But when an overzealous Kadomatsu rescues one of the battle's victims, Kusaka, from a sinking Zero Fighter, the Mirai's fate is sealed. They are forced to fight a U.S. submarine in a battle that should never have occurred, and the crew pledges not to do anything to alter history further. But the flow of history may already be diverted...

Viz Talks Kenshin Ending

VIZ Media, LLC has announced the conclusion to its epic RUROUNI KENSHIN manga series with the release of Volume 28 on July 5. VIZ Media has just announced the release of the first RUROUNI KENSHIN fiction novel, VOYAGE TO THE MOON WORLD, to be released October 17. The novel, written by Kaoru Shizuka and published by VIZ Media, is the first offering in the SHONEN JUMP Fiction imprint and will retail for $9.99. VOYAGE TO THE MOON WORLD features the fan-favorite main character in a brand new adventure. VIZ Media will also release a new fantasy/action manga series, BUSO RENKIN, from RUROUNI KENSHIN creator Nobuhiro Watsuki on August 1. To add excitement to this announcement – it was just confirmed that Nobuhiro Watsuki will be VIZ Media's guest at Comic-Con International in San Diego this July.

RUROUNI KENSHIN first appeared as a pair of separate short stories published in Japan in 1992 and 1993 in the manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. In 1994, Watsuki created an ongoing version that was published as a manga series. The title drew a massive fan base with its interweaving long story arcs, well-developed and often conflicted characters and accurate historical backdrops. A 95-episode anime series followed, as well as two OVA films and a feature length movie.

The novel, VOYAGE TO THE MOON WORLD is based on the popular manga. After years of bloodshed, Kenshin is now living peacefully in Tokyo at the Kamiya Kasshin-ryû dojo. But all that changes one afternoon when Tae from the Akabeko restaurant arrives with a pot of beef stew and a plea for help. What begins, as a simple case of a missing book soon becomes a dangerous mystery as Kenshin and his friends are tangled in deep secrets and dark plots! Also includes the story "Sanosuke and Nishik-e." The conclusion of the RUROUNI KENSHIN series is being celebrated in a multitude of ways by SHONEN JUMP magazine and VIZ Media. SHONEN JUMP magazine will feature many special previews and articles related to RUROUNI KENSHIN; the July 2006 issue (on newsstands June 6) will preview Kenshin creator Nobuhiro Watsuki's new series, BUSO RENKIN, which will begin its graphic novel release under the SHONEN JUMP imprint from VIZ Media in August. The August 2006 issue (on newsstands July 4) will also include an excerpt <>of VOYAGE TO THE MOON WORLD. The September 2006 issue (on newsstands August 1) will contain a RUROUNI KENSHIN retrospective as well as "Yahiko no Sakabatô" (Yahiko's reversed-edge sword), an exclusive manga one-shot from Kenshin creator Nobuhiro Watsuki, spun off from the RUROUNI KENSHIN storyline and no longer in print, even in Japan.

In addition, the final volume of RUROUNI KENSHIN will include a limited edition, exclusive double-sided poster showcasing a special RUROUNI KENSHIN 4-color illustration on one side, and on the other side, the covers of all 28 RUROUNI KENSHIN volumes. The final edition will also preview an excerpt of BUSO RENKIN.

In North America, the RUROUNI KENSHIN manga series has been a popular title in VIZ Media's SHONEN JUMP manga imprint and several volumes were featured as best sellers on various national literary sales charts. Retail industry watchdog ICv2 named RUROUNI KENSHIN as the Top Manga Property of 2004 and the title was also the first graphic novel ever to make it on the USA TODAY Top 150 overall fiction list.

Watsuki's epic manga series about a vagabond swordsman is set during the Meiji era of Japan (1878), just as the country begins to have its self-imposed isolation ended by eager Western trade interests. Himura Kenshin, who carries a reverse-bladed sword and possesses an x-shaped scar on his cheek, is a rurouni, a wandering swordsman of utmost skill, who during the critical turning point of a war simply walked away. His travels lead him to Tokyo where he befriends a female Kendo master, a former thief, a brawler and a doctor – all with their own secrets. Together they fight an array of enemies surfacing from the dark past that Kenshin cannot escape while trying to help those they encounter during their journeys. The final volume of the series, Volume 28, will be out on July 5 and retails for $7.95.

Premieres At Anime Expo 2006's Film Fest

Anime Expo has announced some high lights from the anime that it will be screening at the convention.

Attendees will have the opportunity to experience titles such as Hayao Miyazaki's classic HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE and SPIRITED AWAY, TRAIN MAN, GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE, MILLENNIUM ACTRESS, KAMIKAZE GIRLS, TREE OF PALME, AZUMI, ESCAFLOWNE, KAMIKAZE GIRLS, CUTIE HONEY LIVE ACTION and many more in full force and effect; as screenings will be shown via projection on 35 mm print on a screen larger than many theatres

Anime Expo 2006 is proud to offer the following exclusive Anime Expo 2006 premieres straight from Japan and a Secret Shojo SURPRISE!

MUTEKI KANBAN MUSUME (TV Series)-Miki Onimaru is the daughter of Chinese Restaurant owner. She starts to work at the restaurant and wants to be the strongest waitress in the shopping arcade, but to become the number one, she will have to ward off various enemies.

PROJECT BLUE (TV Series)-Mysterious accidents have happened frequently all over the world. Passenger planes and luxury ships go missing suddenly. An Alien invasion comes to Earth, searching for a special object. One day Billy and Penny witness a train disappear within a blaze of light! What will happen on the earth!?

THE COYOTE RAGTIME SHOW (TV Series)-The Pirate King of Graseland planet has been assassinated. After his untimely death, his daughter Franca is adopted by the former King's best friend and legendary swindler Š Coyote.

ULTRAMAN MAX-Ultraman Max is the freshest, hottest Ultraman series in the show's four decade history! The classic monsters from the first Ultraman shows are back! They're meaneer and uglier than ever before, just waiting to stir up trouble. And it's up to Agent Kaito of Team DASH to take the awesome power given to him by a mysterious space alien and transform into the gigantic super hero Ultraman Max to save the world. Anime Expo will be showing four very unusual episodes of the series.

MIRROR MAN ­ REFLEX-Late at night in the heart of the city a man is being chased by a band of strange half-human creatures. Suddenly before him stand a mysterious man and a young girl. The girl holds out a large round mirror and begins to chant. All at once the man is enveloped within a light that shines from the mirror. The man is transformed into a metallic warrior and goes into battle against the half human creatures.

TANK S.W.A.T. 01-Based on the manga DOMINION by the world famous author Masamune Shirow (GHOST IN THE SHELL and APPLESEED). The setting takes place in the near-future of Kobe in a world where technology has advanced to a level where androids cannot be distinguished from normal humans. In this world, the police have a force called TANK S.W.A.T. to fight against heavily armored criminals. Reona Ozaki is the squadron leader for the Newport Police Department in Hyogo Prefecture. Although it is based on Masamune Shirow's DOMINION, this piece is an original story created by Osaka's amateur CG artists of Digital Tokiwa-sou, directed by Higa Romanov. A Doga Co. production and winner of the Nipponbashi Film Festival.

In honor of our Guest of Honor: Clamp, please be on the lookout for your favorite Clamp titles running at various times in our Video Rooms. Other special titles on the radar include ERGO PROXY, SHAKUGAN NO SHANA, GORJIRA, KAMICHU, KANNAZUKI NO MIKO, HELLSING ULTIMATE, FINAL FANTASY VII: ADVENT CHILDREN and many more surprises!

With an overwhelming response to last year's theme nights, Anime Expo 2006 returns with themed screening events.

On Saturday, July 1st, please join us in Video Room 3 for a ³Discovery into another World². Starting at the opening of the Convention and running until Video Room 3 closes at 6:00 AM on Sunday, July 2nd, find out how our heroes and heroines deal with being dropped unexpectedly into new cultures and sometimes embarrassing/difficult situations.

Sunday, July 2nd brings Martial Arts Mayhem. Starting at 8:00 AM and running until July 3rd at 6:00 AM, please join us in Video Room 3 for action packed adventures. Watch how our favorite Champions use their fullest abilities to engage in strategic combat and achieve their greatest accomplishments in battle!

On Monday, July 3rd, please join us in Video Room 1, starting at 4:00 PM, where we will explore the mysteries of Japanese Live Action! Relive the memories! And discover why we love it!

Furthermore, Midnight Madness is back! For one night only, starting at 12:45 AM on Tuesday, July 4th, in Video Room 1, fans will be able to choose titles from our vast Anime Expo Video Library. Requests* will be taken throughout the day, allowing the fans to dictate which shows will be shown on the silver screen in surround sound! (Please note requests for fansubs, hentai titles, fan-produced titles or any shows that can be deemed unsuitable will not be accepted)

Attendees are encouraged to check back periodically for the latest Video Announcements and Programming Schedule.

Mechamedia Scheduled

The first release on anime academic journal Mechademia is now scheduled for a December release.

New Eva Literature

Eva Monkey reports Gainax will be releasing "Evangelion Chronicle", a serial Evangelion tell-all released bi-monthly for 30 issues. Each issue will be sold for 690 yen. Gainax's site announced the release here.

Harlequin to Publish Its Own Manga

ICV2 reports Harlequin Enterprises has opted to publish and distribute the romance Harlequin manga in North America.Dark Horse Comics, which began publishing Harlequin manga last year, will translate and package the Harlequin manga, which have their origins in Harlequin's extensive manga operation in Japan. More information can be seen here

New Season of Pokemon to Air Exclusively on Cartoon Network

Cartoon Network has announced the addition of Pokemon series to its programming line-up. The show premieres its brand-new ninth season, Pokemon: Battle Frontier, in the U.S. this fall and viewers will be able to watch all-new episodes of the popular series exclusively on Cartoon Network.

Pokemon: Battle Frontier takes Ash and Pikachu back to the Kanto region to complete the Battle Frontier, seven ultimate tests that will challenge Ash's skills as a Pokemon Trainer. Ash's friend May must also face some stiff competition as she seeks to win Kanto's Pokemon Contests and become a top Pokemon Coordinator. Together, these two Trainers and their friends will recruit more Pokemon, battle powerful opponents, and make new friends, all in this climactic ninth season of Pokemon. In addition, Pokemon Chronicles, never before seen in the U.S., premiered June 3, at 7:00 p.m. (ET, PT) during Toonami. The series stars old friends plus unsung heroes and villains from the hit animated series.

CG Animated Works

From Twitch A downloadable Monster Samurai trailer from Sprite Animation Studio is online here

Twitch has rundown of media Moebius Strip from here

A preview of 458nm can be seen here

From Cartoon Brew, Thomas Guittoneau, Yacine Sefsaf, Virginie Giroux and Ho Hung Yu's FAIRY BERRY, produced by produced at EESA (Ecole Européenne Supérieure d’Animation) and studio AKA's Park Foot Ball

John Woo/Garth Ennis

The upcoming Virgin Comics has put out a teaser listing John Woo and Garth Ennis on a project called "Seven Brothers".

Newsarama recent spoke to Virgin Comics Chief Creative Officer Gotham Chopra here

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