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Michel Gondry and Jack Black's BE KIND REWIND has crossed a New Line!

Harry here with another story picked up from Variety! This time it concerns directing coolmandu - Michel Gondry's next feature... BE KIND REWIND, a comedy starring Jack Black. The script was written by Gondry - and apparently concerns Jack Black becoming magnetized whilst sabotaging a power plant and erasing all the tapes at a buddies video store. What I like about this is... there's a certain amount of B-movie sci-fi fun, like in THE INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN with Lon Chaney Jr to the concept... and if you think about it... a man with the powers of a super-magnet unleased on modern society would be a deadly menace. I just wonder if there was a girl with braces on the other end of town that Jack hates that was magnetized with the exact opposite polarity and the film will end with them being drawn together and ultimately shorting each other out.... like in that episode of AMAZING STORIES where the guy got... oh... ok, I'm a geek. You all know that. I'm sure this will be nothing like that. I'll go crawl back into my cave now. Sniffle.

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