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Mark Protosevich is ordained by the gods to chronicle the trials and tribulations of the Mighty THOR!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with another of those mini-bombs from the Favreau IRON MAN announcement from Marvel/Paramount. This one has to do with the Mighty God of Thunder, THOR. Mark Protosevich (JOHN CARTER OF MARS, I AM LEGEND, POSEIDON) is penning the flick. Not only that, but he's quoted as to his approach to the rather difficult material.

"In the comics, the stories that appealed to me most were the features called 'Tales of Asgard,' " CAA-repped Protosevich said. "They were very much based on the traditional Norse myths and how the relationship between being like Thor and Loki and Thor and Odin, and how these beings manifested themselves. I don't want to give too much away, but I will say the movie will take place in the world of myth and legend but will not betray some of the thematic elements of the comics that made them so appealing, like the idea of a god growing to truly understand man."

I'm happy to hear they're not throwing out the fantastical, which is usually the hardest to convey, so it's usually the first thing thrown out with this type of material. I've heard Protosevich's unmade scripts to both I AM LEGEND and JOHN CARTER OF MARS are fantastic. Hope he continues that roll with this one.

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