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Movie News

Jay Roach unzips and gets ready for DEEP THROAT!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a bit of news on a brand new project (currently Untitled) being done at Universal about W. Mark Felt, who has recently came out as being Deep Throat, the inside man who helped blow the cover on Watergate. Jay Roach, who is known for his AUSTIN POWERS work, is directing, so I'm wondering what kind of film to expect. I would hope it'd be a serious take on the material since we've had DICK already explore the whacky comedy version. Then again I guess you could say this material has been done well already with ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN, but I would answer back that Deep Throat wasn't the focus of that flick. Woodward and Bernstein were.

Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman produce and Peter Landesman is going to script. I'm very curious about this one. I'll keep my ear to the ground.

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