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Hollywood has finally figured it out! Jeremy Piven is a leading man!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a great bit of news for us Jeremy Piven fans out there. He's long been an ace in the hole as a supporting actor, but now he's taking the lead in an Untitled comedy for New Line Cinema. Of course, the cool kids will all point to PCU as proof that Piven can carry a flick, but it's nice to see he's finally getting the respect that he deserves in the business. As much as I love Piven, if his name wasn't attached to the summary of the "Untitled" film I would completely blow the movie off. Here's the summary from Hollywood Reporter:

Piven will play a smug Portland, Ore., real estate developer who accepts a challenge from his real estate mogul boss to develop a pristine forest in the hopes of being promoted to partner. He gets more than he bargained for when the area's animal residents start taking their revenge on him and wreak havoc on his every attempt to develop the land

See what I mean? It sounds like an Eddie Murphy movie. I hope that the relatively new writers (Josh Gilbert and Michael Carnes) can really find the funny in Piven vs. woodland critters... well, at least the funny that won't just tickle the funny bones of soccer moms and 3 year olds. It might be a long shot, but Ari Gold unleashed is still an exciting thought. What do you folks think?

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