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Parker and Stone have 3 years to get rid of their thetans with Paramount!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a tidbit on the continuing careers of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. I just watched their Scientology episode of South Park for the second time in 2 days and I'm still laughing at the thought of R. Kelly trying to coax John Travolta and Tom Cruise out of the closet. I'm a gonzo Parker and Stone fan and it's a good time to love these guys' work. SOUTH PARK is guaranteed for another 3 seasons and now they've signed a 3 year first look deal with Paramount. Despite me not falling head over heels for TEAM AMERICA, I still think they're some of the sharpest satirists in the entertainment industry. Can't wait for more flicks... and maybe they'll finally release the SOUTH PARK movie in a super special edition DVD... with commentary track... please?

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