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Movie News

The Punisher has been hired to take aim at THE MUTANT CHRONICLES!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a bit of info for you role-playing gamers out there. I could never get into RPGs, both on the board and on the TV screen (there are a few exceptions like KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC, but even that I played a little bit), so I have no idea what the hell THE MUTANT CHRONICLES are, but apparently Thomas Jane has been nabbed to topline a movie (possibly series?) based on the RPG. Producer Ed Pressman (AMERICAN PSYCHO, THE COOLER, PARTY MONSTER) has the rights and Variety tells me he has Jane lined up and Simon Hunter directing. You fans be sure to tell me if you think this is a good idea below. Is this something I should be psyched about or scared of?

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