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COCKBLOCKER the movie a reality? With Seann William Scott and Topher Grace no less...

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a heads up on a new flick called COCKBLOCKER. I can't imagine the MPAA letting Paramount get away with that title, but go fight the good fight Par! It's a comedy with Topher Grace and Seann William Scott attached. Grace finds his one true love and realizes that her best friend is her ex-boyfriend (Scott) who I'm sure is there to thwart Grace at every opportunity, if the title has any meaning at all. Paramount bought the pitch by Gary Coolidge who will begin writing immediately. I can only guess that this will lens after SPIDER-MAN 3 (and possibly 4 if the rumors of them shooting back to back are true and, of course, if Grace would be in both movies) if the script isn't written yet.

So much of comedy is getting two great personalities who work great together and I must say that COCKBLOCKER has a lot going for it already with both Topher Grace and Seann William Scott in the flick. I think they're both in the top tier of the best young comedic actors in the business and seeing them bounce off of each other is sure to be a blast. What do you folks think?

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