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Who is directing Harrison Ford directing the MANHUNT for the assassin of Abraham Lincoln?

Hey folks, Harry here with some of the wonderful words from SuicideGirls.Com... which is of course why I have a subscription there. Right? Right. I'm very charged to see Sebastian Cordero directing this, his film CRONICAS was an outstanding film, it didn't get the biggest distribution in the U.S. - but it is coming to DVD that first tuesday in November. Now that film was, essentially, the same basic story... only with a reporter pursuing and investigating an Ecuadorian serial killer. Great film. And I'm hoping upon hope that Sebastian is able to get magic out of Harrison Ford again. I miss loving Harrison in films, as a kid he was my favorite actor, I'll never stop hoping that he delivers again. Here's hoping!

At the recent press junket for Luis Mandoki's Innocent Voices. The producer of that film and Manhunt, Lawrence Bender, revealed who would be directing Manhunt starring Harrison Ford as Col. Everton Conger who led the hunt for Abraham Lincoln's assassin. He also said who is rewriting Mike Rich's script.

DRE: What else are you working on then?

LB: I?m doing a movie with Harrison Ford called Manhunt and Harrison Ford plays this man who?s tracking the guy who?s tracking the guy who assassinated President Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth. So we?re supposed to start shooting that next year.

DRE: Who?s directing that?

LB: An Ecuadorian director named Sebastian Cordero who directed the movie called Crónicas. Myself together with Walden Media decided on him and Harrison approved.

DRE: Who wrote it?

LB: A guy named Andrew Marlowe is rewriting it as we speak so we?ll see how it goes.

Lawrence Bender Interview

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Daniel Robert Epstein


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