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From Downunder, Latauro brings us some first look photos of THE RIVER QUEEN!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a first look at Vincent Ward's RIVER QUEEN starring Samantha Morton, Kiefer Sutherland, Steven Rea, Cliff Curtis and Jango Fett. Latauro brings us these gifts from a film set in New Zealand, a particular favorite place of mine. On with Latauro and his booty! By "booty" I mean the pictures he's brought for you, not his ass... but I'm sure he brought that too...

Hi all,

Just got sent what I believe is our first official look at Vincent Ward's RIVER QUEEN. For those keeping up with the story, the film's been through some tough times (Ward being fired, Ward being re-hired, shoot delays, etc).

Below is a brief press release followed by some stills. I'm looking forward to this one, being the only person in the world who seemed to enjoy WHAT DREAMS MAY COME.



Renowned Director Vincent Ward ( Map of the Human Heart, What Dreams May Come) has finished post-production on his latest feature 'River Queen' starring Samantha Morton, Kiefer Sutherland, Steven Rea, Cliff Curtis and Temuera Morrison.

Ward was dismissed from the film towards the end of the shoot, and then in an unusual reversal, was rehired just weeks later for six months of editing, and additional shooting in both New Zealand and England. Ward had been working on scripting and pre-production for five years and said his hair turned grey during those few weeks away, though he was fueled to make his film into something worth all the effort. "We have been able to create a very strong movie. Initial preview screenings in New Zealand and Australia have gone exceptionally well," Ward stated.

Ward filmed the last shots of the film himself, alone, mid winter, freezing, and waist-deep in the middle of the River Thames. He was so intent on his work he didn't notice the rising tide and his possessions from the bank behind him being swept away downstream.

'River Queen' releases are being planned for the new year.

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