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Is W.D. Richter Cool Enough To Make STEALTH Frickin' Killer'

Hey folks, Harry here... How many W.D. Richter fans in the audience? He's the man-god behind the scripts for INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHER (1978), DRACULA (1979), BRUBAKER, BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA and one of my fave and most underappreciated of Stephen King's cinematic translations, NEEDFUL THINGS. Richter also was the god behind BUCKAROO BANZAII. Let's face it - this man not only has balls - but swings 'em proudly. So if there's anyone on Planet Earth that can write a script where you combine TOP GUN and WARGAMES into a single film... well, Holy Shitballs! Sign me up. Most people are just dismissing this out of hat - simply cuz they have some sort of spazmatic response to Rob Cohen films - but ya know what... I think this is gonna be a major sleeper this summer. About 40 people sent me the link to this Sizzle Reel for STEALTH that was shown at Comic Con - and that Quint splooged about. And folks - sure as hell looks splooge-worthy. I've got the feeling ol W.D. is taking names with this - and Rob's running with it. Here ya go...

Put your Tray Tables Up - This Is One Helluva Bumpy Looking Ride! THE SIZZLE REEL!

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