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Foreign Trailer for Polanski's OLIVER TWIST

Hey folks, Harry here with the latest look at Roman Polanski's OLIVER TWIST - a film that I hope will be one of the best films of this year. Now - when Piotro Pinkie was a pre-wee man, he was a wee child on the cobblestone streets behind the Iron Curtain. He's told me stories of the orphan community that lived in the sewers beneath Budapest and how he and his wee brethern took down foreign tourists and rolled them for every stich of clothing and roll of filthy lucre they had. So, it was only appropriate that our very own Ollie Twist would track down this trailer. Unless you speak the non-American that this trailer is in, you won't learn much more than that the film looks to be wonderfully shot - and that the performances look quite intriguing. Once again - can't wait to see this one!

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