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Amazing New Test Footage and Behind-The-Scenes From SUPERMAN RETURNS Online Now!!

Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

Got this in a few minutes ago:

Theres a new superman journal up over at, Harry.

Theres even a pre-final render of the big blue bird zipping through a cloud and a wire shot of the young fella taking to the sky.

Best yet,

Dave from England.

Thanks, man. I clicked over and watched the video as soon as I opened the e-mail, and I have to say... this finally did it. Up until now, I just didn’t really care about SUPERMAN at all. I don’t hate SUPERMAN, but it’s just not my thing. I respect and enjoy the Donner films (all one and a half of them), I’m bemused by the Richard Lester films (all one and a half of them), and I’m puzzled deeply by that last one. Routh doesn’t really do anything for me, but how could he? We haven’t heard one word out of him yet, and we haven’t seen him in motion. So far, I’ve seen a guy in an oddly-colored Superman suit. Hardly seems like it’s time to start basing my entire position on the franchise on the evidence at hand.

This video, though... this video is amazing. The flying rigs they’re building are just incredible, and so far, we’re just seeing glimpses, hearing some descriptions. There’s some very cool pre-viz stuff that they show in this diary, enough to really whet the appetite. As of right now, I want to see this film just to see the flying. If it’s as cool as it sounds like it will be, it really will be enough for me to enjoy it.

And think... they can even tweak and re-use the tagline from Donner’s first film in ’78. “You’ll believe a man can fly... again.” Indeed.

"Moriarty" out.

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