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Movie News

Death of a bad SUPERMAN rumor!

Hey folks, Harry here... there's a bullshit rumor regarding Bryan Singer and Warner Brothers sacking and dumping Brandon Routh as Superman/Clark Kent and hiring Tom Welling as a last minute replacement... Much like how Hugh Jackman got the part of Wolverine.

Knowing good and well how much Bryan and crew were loving Brandon's Kal-El/Kent I contacted them to see if there was any truth to the rumor. Guess what? Total and Utter BULLSHIT! Brandon is appparently doing fantastic work as Superman and as Clark Kent. Right now things are shooting out on the Kent Homestead and apparently at the Crash site. This is obviously a bad rumor started by the legions of Tom Welling fans... that just can't seem to face the realization that the best Superman for the part wasn't on SMALLVILLE.

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