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The Brilliant Film, OLDBOY Is Coming To The U.S. - Slowly, but surely!

Hey folks, Harry here... For nearly 3 years we've been talking about OLDBOY here at AICN. Ever since I saw SYMPATHY FOR MR VENGEANCE, I've been waiting and waiting for this movie. I got the chance to premiere the film at BUTT-NUMB-A-THON 5 back in 2003. In 2004, it won the Grand Prix at Cannes. Just last month it got it's official premiere on these shores at the Sundance Film Festival. And now... Tartan Films is bringing it to our cinemas here in the United States. First, it will open in Los Angeles and New York - and I will be letting all you good folks know the latest on it's release pattern as it happens. This is a film that I support and care about that much.

Personally - I can't wait for this one to come to Austin, so I can see it in our theaters here... As I've only seen it on the big screen once... and that was back in 2003. IGN FILMFORCE got the premiere of the U.S. trailer - but on your way there - check out this nifty poster! It's fantastic! Like everything having to do with this movie.

FilmForce Debuts The U.S. Trailer To This Landmark Film!

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