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WAR OF THE WORLDS - Where Do Spielberg's Aliens Come From'

Hey folks, Harry here... Well - with modern science being what it is - Spielberg has admitted that the aliens do not come from Mars - as H.G. Wells intended. Although, the latest scientific studies of Mars are picking up a degree of methane readings that could indicate subterranean life of some form on Mars. (Check Here) - Wells may still be proven right one day, hopefully! Heh. But this alternative is equally intriguing. Be interesting to see how it's visualized. Here ya go...

Heya Harry.

I just got home from Wondercon and thought I might share what may or may not be a spoiler regarding War of the Worlds. On the panel were a couple of of artists including Doug Chiang and some other guy.

In the discussion of the aliens they were both quite tight lipped but the second man said at one point that this was a full on invasion picture and that we were being watched from a parallel dimension. Now with that nugget and the trailer saying they are alreday here it makes me think that the aliens are coming from another version of earth.

Who knows?

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