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The British Are All Excited About CGI CAPT. SCARLET!!

I am – Hercules!!

I seem to remember “Team America” creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone saying it was stupid to do “Thunderbirds” without the marionettes. But I guess they rethought that after they actually had to deal with the marionettes.

In any event, it looks like they remake “Captain Scarlet” without the puppets and it turned out pretty good.

We Begin With “The Sheep”:


Thought that you might like a little heads up on the brand new CGI Captai Scarlet which has just finished airing on terrestrial TV here in the UK.

It opened on a kiddie TV show Ministry of Mayhem (less said the better....)

The show itself though I thought was brilliant. Whilst staying close to the original they have brought it up to date with the CGI aspect beautifully. The Angel fighters really do look cool and have a really good flight feeling for somw of the external shots, especially through the canyon.

The CGI was actually quite good for a TV show and the level of detail was beyond what I expected. My only fripe is that you can spot the places where tey have used motion capture as it gets a much more human feel of movement

The show basically introduced us to the backstory that makes up Captain Scarley and the main characters (as weare aiming at a new audience here) as does it well on a childs level if allbeit too fast (you can tell I've watched too many movies here. It as enought action to keep everybody hooks and ends with a good spoiler for the kids but one tat all the adults know about

Ressurection of Captain Black and the creation of another Mysteron agent

Thank god though Gerry went his ow way with Thunderbirds. As this ep beat the entire movie, maybe that is just because I used to think Thunderbirdds was the best andthey ruined it!

Personally, let Gerry write the next movie and let Frakes direct it again!


The Sheep

We Conclude With “Castle4”:

Dear Herc

I've not seen anything up on AICN yet about the world premier of Captain Scrlet, the new CG Gerry Anderson produced show, so thought I'd drop you a quick email:

It aired on Saturday morning as part of an ITV kids show called Ministry of Mayhem and was unnecessarily split in to two parts (about 11 minutes each).

First impression was good, some varied voice acting, captin Black being a bit dodgy, but generally fine. Animation was pretty good, especially faces and character movement, but the vehicles suffered from the usual lack of interaction with the ground and gravity.

The script was very good and surprised me with the right dramatic tone (dark), which in this day and age I'm surprised and delighted by. The original series was by far the best of GA's prolific output and this has managed to capture the feel of that show, which is quite impressive.

A good start and a 4 star rating.



(age 34)

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