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Trailer for the remake of ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 Ignites online!

Hey folks, Harry here... Now, I don't know about you, but I love John Carpenter's ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13. I love how it begins with that kid and the Ice Cream cone... a father's revenge... an abandoned closing police precinct in the styx (literally) and the gangs of L.A. joining together with the singular purpose of destroying and killing everyone in Precinct 13.

However, the trailer for the remake tells the tale of many interesting, and actually fascinating changes. First, the move to Detroit. We know from the Robocop films that this town is infested with terrible crime problems... but that's really not the issue in the trailer. It seems in this AOP13 - that the reason for the siege is our badass criminal on the inside. In this version, that baaaad-man is played by Laurence Fishburne - and those assault Precinct 13 are Bad Cops - guys set to kill him so he can't testify against them. So this time... as those brave defenders of Precinct 13 kill the faceless attackers... they're killing wave after wave of cops. Now, if that isn't subversive and f'ed up I don't know what is. I do know that I sure do like what Focus Pictures is doing. From SHAUN OF THE DEAD to SEED OF CHUCKY to this to that cool looking Jet Li as a dog movie. They really do seem to have it going on!

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