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Veronica Mars 1.6 FAQ

What’s it called?
“Return of the Kane.”

What does TV Guide say?
“Logan arranges for Duncan to run for student council despite Duncan’s desire to stay on the sidelines. Veronica, meanwhile, investigates the election results; and uncovers evidence related to Lilly’s murder. Also, Logan arranges a ‘skid-row boxing’ event that results in bad publicity for his actor-dad.”

What evidence does Veronica uncover?
Photographs of Lilly’s shoes.

The late Lilly Kane is pretty! Is she back this week?
Lilly (Amanda Seyfried) appears to Veronica in a dream, more adorably than ever.

Does Keith Mars go back to dating the guidance counselor this week?
Paula Marshall remains sequestered in her office, wholly unseen.

Is Veronica’s mom back?
Not this week.

What about Troy the evil boyfriend? Does he exact a furious vengeance?
Not this week.

The big news?
Were there was any doubt Logan (the son of the movie stars) was a creepy, completely vile little asshole, we are the recipients this week of ample evidence. We are left to wonder: Did Logan, who reveals a real sociopathic streak this week, kill Lilly? Also? Keith Mars changes the combination.

What else is TV Guide not telling us?
Be prepared to take an immediate liking to punk troublemaker Wanda Varner, who once served on the pep squad with the pre-rape Veronica, but now shares Veronica’s outsider status. Wanda runs against Duncan on an “pirate points” abolitionist platform.

What are “pirate points”? Does it have something to do with campus homosexuals?
Points awarded to students who participate in extracurricular activities: sports, cheerleading, student council. Students with enough points are allowed to order Chinese and pizza delivered to the school grounds.

What’s good?
All the exciting ramped-up class warfare, all angry and focused! Journalism instructor Mallory Dent (Sydney Tamiia Poitier), who demonstrates real spine by backing a suspicious Veronica. The size of those evidence bags! Kristin Bell’s performance generally, and her reading of “You stand idly by” in particular. Amanda Seyfried’s fleeting reappearances generally, and her reading of “Honestly! I was awesome, right?” in particular. Mrs. Donaldson’s hilarious look of panic as Miss Dent casually reveals the roomful of angry first-period art students. “You know they only used the word ‘narc’ because it would hit closest to home with your constituency.” Our glimpses of the Duncan Kane Veronica loved. And the subtle movie-star homage to “Passion of the Christ.”

What’s not so good?
Enrico Colantoni’s Bogart impression, which elicits only douche-chills.

How does it end, spoiler-boy?
“What are those shoes doing in Able Koontz’s possession?” asks Keith Mars. “Good question,” comes the reply.

Herc’s rating for “Veronica Mars” 1.6?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:
***** better than we deserve
**** better than most motion pictures
*** actually worth your valuable time
** as horrible as most stuff on TV
* makes you quietly pray for bulletins

9 p.m. Election Day. UPN.

I am – Hercules!!

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