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Pee Wee returns to the big screen!'! Please God Yes!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with news that'll make any red blooded boy or girl from my generation jump with joy and sing with glee! I remember the primal rage that boiled up in me when Pee-Wee's Playhouse got cancelled. My Saturday mornings hinged on Pee-Wee's Playhouse. I didn't give a rat's ass what he did in a porno theater, I wanted my secret word of the day! I wanted more Pee-Wee movies. Yes, I was that one kid who actually liked BIG TOP PEE-WEE! I wanted more, but I was denied that by a scared network. Anyway, there has been talk of Pee-Wee returning to the big screen since waaaaayyyy back in 1999. We ran a story from the lovely and uber-sexy Junior Mintz back in the day when we first heard Reubens comment on Pee-Wee's potential return (Click here to read it!) and now we have Pee-Wee once again getting our hopes up, but this time it sounds a little closer actually happening. Here's the report I got:

AICN:  In an interview airing at seemingly random times on TVGuide Channel, Paul Reubens is asked about doing a Pee-Wee skit at the recent Groundlings celebration.  He says that Pee-Wee won't be seen again until the new Pee-Wee movie is released,  which he has been in talks for and is getting close.  

- Hensler

"In talks" and "getting close" make me very excited. Burton's first film is a masterpiece of comedy and I love Paul Reubens in things like BLOW and dug his character, if not the rest of the film, in MYSTERY MEN, but Pee-Wee is Reubens at his best. Whether singing Surfin' Bird in BACK TO THE BEACH or hypnotizing female audience members into taking off their clothes on HBO specials or having a BIG ADVENTURE looking for a stolen bike, Pee-Wee rules all and I send all the positive energy I can at this project! Please happen! Please happen! Join along!!! Please please please...

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