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Pics from the CG Animated flick ROBOTS!!! Check out this cast and these pics!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with some groovy-lookin' pics from the Fox Animation Studios release of the work by Blue Sky Studios, who did ICE AGE. The pics look cool, but when I saw the voice talent involved, my interest in this film has skyrocketed. Ewan McGregor voices the lead by the name of Rodney Copperbottom(I'm sure the pics are of his character, so just imagine Ewan's words coming out of that mouth... Also wonder if we'll see any gratuitous robot schlongery?). Also in the voice cast is Halle Berry, Mel Brooks (!!!), Stanley Tucci, Jim Broadbent, Paul Giamotti and Dan Hedaya, among others. Sounds like it has the right people attached. Let's hope they pull a Pixar and make a movie that is just appealing to the adults as it is to the kids!

Some kind of cool pictures from the new animated film robots from blue sky studios…


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