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Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

When Mike Mignola saw THE INCREDIBLES, he leapt at the chance to design this year’s Comic-Con exclusive poster. When I saw his poster, I leapt at the chance to create a contest that would let us give five of these babies away to those of you out there who did not have a chance to make it to San Diego.

All you have to do is tell me who you would be if you were a superhero, and send me a drawing of yourself as that superhero. I want you to create an original character, one that says something about you, or that makes me laugh my ass off, or that just plain rocks. As always, creativity counts, and the best five are going to get a signed poster, autographed by both Mignola and writer/director/supergenius Brad Bird.

That’s the poster you’re playing for. Send all contest entries to my mailbox and clearly label them “INCREDIBLES POSTER CONTEST” in the header. You have until 9 AM EST on Monday August 2nd to get the entries in, so start sketching!!

"Moriarty" out.

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