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Look, Up in the Sky... It's a Bird, a Plane, it's McG's ass swirling goodbye to SUPERMAN!

Hey folks, Harry here... SUPERMAN has defeated yet another evil director. Like an endless line of super-villains, the mild mannered reporter / surviving son of krypton has once again exhausted another high profile relationship!

Ok - now I know what you're thinking... the next super-villain must be Michael Bay, well... he's been in off and on talks for quite some time now, but he ain't gonna do it, so never fear. Who is? Well, there's all sorts of rumors out there, but let me just make up a rumor I'd love to have be true.

Let's think of the greatest, most coolest SUPERMAN movie there could ever be... A film that every last one of us would kill to have on the big screen. Something... wonderful.

What if... Charlie Kaufman were to write a Superman Script about Superman and Bizarro Superman switching places... about halfway through the film, Bizarro Superman finds his way back to Bizarro Earth/Metropolis and must keep Superman from doing things right! It turns out that this has all happened due to that evil Imp Mr. Mxyzptlk - and the entire last third is pure insanity, ending with Supes back on Earth tricking Mr Mxyzptlk to say, "Kltpzyxm" through some odd set of circumstances. And having this film directed by either Spike Jonze or Michel Gondry would result in hands down the greatest moment in geek film history!

That being said... it'll never ever happen. And I'm just abusing this forum to wax romantically about yet another Superman dream that'll never be.... like the set in the 50's Lex Luthor vs Supes with Giant Robots and crazy super-science technology.... or the one with Supes vs Muhammid Ali on the Red Sun planet boxing directed by Michael Mann and co-starring Will Smith as Ali.

Personally, if I were Warner's... I'd steal one of the great Marvel Film directors and let him go crazy with this film. Fully support that vision and give him the time to do it right! Imagine what Raimi or Singer would do with the man of steel!

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