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THE GRUDGE remake trailer hits and the survey says...

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Now, the original theatrical film JU-ON: THE GRUDGE is one of my all time favorite horror movies and even surpasses the original THE RING as my favorite of the Asian horror stuff I've seen so far, and I've seen quite a bit.

I was one of the lucky few in America to see JU-ON in the theater at the American Film Market almost 2 years ago. It scared the bejeezus out of me and I quickly spread the word to all my friends and all you readers. I've been looking forward to this remake, but the casting of Sarah Michelle Gellar kind of took me aback, but I really dig Clea DuVall and Bill Pullman's involvement, so I've been cautiously optimistic about the project. And, of course, the original director, Takashi Shimizu helming the remake is aces, too.

I had heard from a few sources that this film really isn't a remake as much as it is a kind of co-existing storyline with the original film, where SMG's character interacts with the events of the first JU-ON film... After seeing the below trailer, I have to call bullshit on that rumor. That trailer is about 90% shot for shot of the original film with Gellar in the lead role, down to the fingers in the hair... Give the remake trailer a looksee.


Now for a comparison, here's a link to a real media iffy quality version of the original Japanese trailer:


Or you can see the better quality media, but stilly crappy US trailer for the Lion's Gate release of the original film with god awful Mr. Voice:

If you ignore Mr. Voice and the ADD editing, you can still see the scary shit!!!

I'm very on the fence on this remake, but you know what? I'll always have the love for the original film and thanks to Lion's Gate, I may even get to see it in the theaters once again with an unsuspecting audience! I hope the remake kicks as much ass the original film did, but I ain't sold yet! What do you folks think?

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