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A BUFFY-ANGEL Motion Picture''

I am – Hercules!!

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Hi Harry - Youve still got the best movie site around!

My Name's Ben, I attend the Digital Media Arts College here in Boca Raton, fl.

Yesterday we were privy to a special forum of screenwriters. No one especially biggish - but Liz Craft, a TV writer for television's "Angel" (more on that in a minute) and Mitch Markowitz, who does writing for the show "Monk".

Markowitz was the writer of Good Morning Vietnam, and told us a bit about the movie's surprise success and a follow-up that might still happen.

He explained that in his wildest dreams he never imagined it would be the success it was. He said Robin Williams made up most of the lines as he went along, and he couldn't imagine it being the success it was without him - or had they gone for the original choice (didnt say who). Around the time, Touchstone asked him to work on a sequel called

"Good Morning Chicago". What happened with that, was that robin's status rose a little quicker than everyone anticipated and he was solid booked for years after vietnam. Their was also some problems writer/studio style - one wanted it to be simply laughs, another more dramatic, like the original. Ultimately, it didnt happen. BUT it's still in tact, and currently another studio has been looking at. It's on a pile at the unnamed studio somewhere - and he has no idea what'll happen to it, if anything, but last he heard chances were significantly better for this sequel to be made than they were in 1987.

Ok, now on to Angel. Craft hinted that the series mightn't be back next year - but didn't say anything.Of course it all makes sense now - some of the other ideas for the buffy universe that are being discussed. As the statement by warner says they are looking at doing a series of telemovies, at one time Craft said that joss whedon had plans for a "Buffy/Angel" film - not telemovie - but decided to wait until both series were off the air.

It would be the one movie re-teaming both characters, angel and buffy. she fielded a few questions about it, but didn't know much. just said wait till both shows are off the air and then joss will probably get something going, a'la firefly.

i thought that small bit might cheer up some of those angel fans. and also thought the news might be of some use to you.

Ben McGraw

I am – Hercules!!

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