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Buffy or Cordelia as WONDER WOMAN'

Hey folks, Harry here... None of this is confirmed, at this point it all seems to be speculation, but... Personally I'd rather see FAITH play WONDER WOMAN than either BUFFY or CORDELIA. What? How does Buffy-heathen Harry know shit about any of them? Well - it's all Herc's fault. For my birthday this year he gave me the 4th Season Box Set of BUFFY dvds. Now, I hadn't seen a single episode. I'd seen clips on TV and thought... that looks lame, but here he was, throwing the gauntlet down... and I took the Box Set... thought about re-gifting it to someone that loves Buffy, but then thought... "No - Herc wanted me to see this!" So I sat down and in one night watched the entire 4th season. (ADDITION: I started at 6pm and ended with that really bizarre dreamy episode where Xander got totally screwed out of screwing Willow and Lesbo-Chick!) HOLY SHIT, Buffy is a cool fucking TV SHOW! Specifically, "HUSH" is perhaps one of my all time favorite episodes of any episodic television. And Willow, will you marry me? ANYWAYS - I haven't seen Cordelia yet, so I don't know if she's up to kicking ass Wonder Woman style, but Faith - while a tad short - THERE'S WAYS AROUND THAT! - would kick ass as Wonder Woman. Of course, that may just be me wanting her to get in a WONDER WOMAN outfit all Lynda Carter-style! By the way, did you know Wonder Woman married Robert Altman? How fucking cool is that?

Hey Harrry-

Came across this article that Sarah Michelle Gellar AND Charisma Carpenter were up for Wonder Woman. 


There's probably nothing to it but as an interesting side note both CC and SMG were up for Buffy at one time.  Besides CC in a Wonder Woman outfit isn't a horrible thought although neither was Halle Berry in a Catwoman outfit and looked how that turned out.

I'm pretty sure they got Charisma's name from a comment from a recent TV Guide interview:


TVGO: What are your plans?

Carpenter: Well, I can tell you what my goals are. I have a son now, so I want the half-hour sitcom lifestyle, where you can have a family and work. And then, during summer hiatus, I'd like to do a Kill Bill or Wonder Woman or some movie like that.

TVGO: Wait, you want to do the long-rumored Wonder Woman movie?

Carpenter: I am actively putting it out there that I want to do Lynda Carter. It's my mission to be Wonder Woman! My agent hasn't seen a script, but some studio needs to do it. She's beautiful, she fights, and I like the concept of an empowerment role. I've always been so passive on Angel, where they usually wouldn't let Cordelia do martial arts stunts.

Charisma wants to kick ass and bust heads!  

Whether you can use this or not I'd be interested as to where the Wonder Woman project currently stands.  

Your pal,  

Rex Luthor

Ok - Harry here again. I've only seen season 4, I don't even know who Cordelia is at this point. All I know is apparently she apparently did something with Angel and Buffy really hates her. I think she turned Angel into a vampire, but I'm not really sure about that. That's just what I think from Season 4. Herc says he'll get me the other sets for my birthday this year, as he wants to be responsible for educating my ignorant ass. HOWEVER, based upon photographic evidence that Charisma fans have been sending me, I think she could do WONDER WOMAN wonders. Here ya go....

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