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Big Earl's Bitch and Paul W.S. Anderson Loather rave all about STARSKY & HUTCH!!!

Hey folks, Harry here with a pair of reviews from Pasadena last night, where they had the most recent test screening of STARSKY & HUTCH. The big difference between this cut and the old cut is that after the first screening... the audience so loved Snoop Dog as Huggy Bear that the filmmakers apparently shot a couple of extra scenes with him... and from the reactions below, it sounds like it was all gold. Now, Moriarty told me Wednesday night that he was going to be attending this screening, but I didn't chat with him last night so I don't know if he did or what he thought... but so far, everything has been really solid on this being a winner. Here ya go...

  Hey Hary,

Long time reader first time contributer

So I saw Starsky and Hutch last night on a 90% finished print, there was only one SFX that wasn't in and the audio sync was a little off in places, But who cares this movie, in the imortal words of Jack Black, ROCKED MY ASS OUT.

Simply put this movie was COOL. Owen Wilson was Cool, Fred Williamson was Cool, Snoop Dogg you don't even have to say he is cool because that would raise the bar too high for every other cool person on the planet, he is Ultra Cool. Even Ben Stiller the least Cool person in Hollywood was Cool in his own way. Vince Vauhn was Bad, but in the good way, stay with me here. Carmen Electra and Amy Smart were definitley a couple of Hot Foxes and Brande Roderick has really big talent...I mean wait go with the first one talent, yeah talent. The casting was spot on and the action was great. Owen Wilson really made this movie for me, pretty much like he does with every movie I've seen him in.  There are plenty of omage scenes to the 70's, and 80's but the one scene that really floored me was an omage to Easy Rider, and damn if wasn't hopped on pilles but Owen was a spitting image of Peter Fonda right down to the shit eating grin and massive sideburns that are so blond you have to struggle to see them in the right light. Ben Stiller tried his best to look like Dennis Hopper but Man Owen looked so perfect. But I digress.

The story is pretty standard, Reese Feldman, Vince Vauhn and Friday, Jason Bateman invent a "New Coke" cocaine that police dogs don't recognize. David Starsky and Ken Hutchinson get partnered against their wills and characters, become buddies embarrass themselves and get suspended but with the help of Huggy Bear and a couple of stone cold foxey local cheerleaders get the drop on the bad guys and live crimefightingly ever after.

I will say this as clearly as possible, THIS IS NOT A PLOT DRIVEN MOVIE, this is a period peice costume dramedy. If you are expecting thought provocation go see the House of Sand and Fog, if you are looking for some sweet car chases in an awsome supped up Grand Torrino and some sweet asses in Velour hot pants go see Starsky and Hutch. Owen Wilson is Brilliant, Ben Stiller is Good, Vince Vauhn is Good, Snoop Dogg is Fuckin' Dy-No-Mite, and the clothes, sets, in-jokes and references are well done funny but not over the top. 

Oh by the way there is an extra special appearance by Paul Micheal Glaser and David Soul that is totaly neccessary and totally Cool. And just a little tip switch off the surveylance cameras when your trying to get info from Big Earl, trust me.  

Big Earl's Bitch

Next we have a pretty cool guy with his review of the flick... How do I know he's cool? The name man, check the name!


Call me Paul W.S. Anderson Loather, I attended a screening last night of Starsky and Hutch in Pasadena. The director and Vince Vaughn were there as well as other members of the cast. In a few words the movie was fucking awesome. AWESOME. If you liked Old School and Road Trip you will love this movie. It is better then those two in my opinion. The entire cast is nailed to a "T" Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are great as the 70's duo. I mean they both bring their charm and spin to the characters while keeping the origins in place. Snoop Dog Steals the show as Huggy Bear, I mean he has some of the best scenes in the film. Vince Vaughn as the baddie is almost as good as Hulk Hogan would have been but barring him he is flawless. Funny as fuck. HE has the same sarcastic humor he had in Old School and Made. The best scene in the movie is by non other then Will Ferrel. He plays a gay inmate at a prison that the duo go to for information and he has the funniest scene in the movie. The crowd was roaring with laughter. He continues to kill role after role. The film itself looks slick as can be. It looks like the 70's in every scene. The locals are nailed to look like the 70's Bay City. The director has really done his job with this film paying homage to the show while giving us what we want amazing action and humor. Personally for me the best thing about this flick was none other then the car. BAD ASS, it was loud and fast and mean. There were no shortages of cool burn outs, jumps, or stunts. The cars entrance in the movie is classic. I don't to give anything away and SPOIL shit for anyone, so without going into detail here are some scenes to look forward to.

1. Ben Stiller doing mounds of coke and getting into a 70's dance off with a Jack Black type character in a 70's nightclub. Funny as hell.

2. Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson disguised as mimes while working undercover.

3. Carmen Electra, Owen Wilson, and Amy Smart in a 70's style threesome.

4. The nude locker room interrogation scene. Big Tits

5. The end credits, outtakes of when they crashed the car doing stunts. amazing. Worth the price of admission alone. They crash the fuck out of that car.

6. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson doing two "Gay Dragons" It's the scene with Will Ferrell. Funnies scene in the film.

7. A certain cameo you night expect, is perfect in its timing.

8. Car Jumping in the streets of Bay City

This movie will make tons of money, if you are a fan of the original series or you have never scene it, no matter. This will be a classic. I can't wait to see it again.

Paul W. S. Anderson Loather

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