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STARGATE 2 & 3 plus news on ID4b'

Hey folks, Harry here... I can only say... I'm pretty happy that none of these films are likely to happen. There is something cool about films that were hugely successful being left alone and the folks responsible for those projects going on to DIFFERENT things. It's a novel concept, but I'm partial to that. That being said... PATRIOT 2 would rock... Perhaps, 230 years after the fight for liberty, America needs it's old heroes again, with the last remaining known Hydra tooth on the planet, the Government plants it in the grave of Benjamin Martin, whose skeletal remains crack out of the earth with Hatchet in hand to fight for the country he died loving! YEAH! ROCK ON! Zombie Defenders of Liberty RULE!

Stargate 2 & 3, Independence Day 2

Not sure if this is something that interests you or not, or whether it is common knowledge. I attended a screening of Independence Day last night, and producer Dean Devlin spoke afterwards. He said that they had written a script for ID4-2 and sent it to the studio, and it received a lot of positive feedback. However, Devlin and Roland Emmerich felt that it was good but not as good as ID4-1. So now, unless a really good idea comes along, they have no plans for ID4-2.

They also have no plans for Stargate 2 & 3. Devlin didn't mind sharing the ideas for these two sequels. In part 2, they were to show the connection between the Egyptian pyramids and the Mayan pyramids. In Stargate 3, the plan was to somehow connect every myth on Earth, from yeti to the Loch Ness monster.

It would have been interesting to see how these movies panned out, but unfortunately we probably never will.

Chris Bonk

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