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Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

I first saw this trailer linked on the CHUD message boards about a week ago. Watched the trailer. Was fascinated by it. Sounds like this guy had the same reaction I did:

Hey fellas

Not sure if you guys have heard of this one - NATURAL CITY - a movie out of Korea (apologies if AICN Asia have covered this)....well I just done seen the trailer and I got that "Hell, yeah!!" feeling. Ok...I'm guilty of being a sucker for a goodlooking trailer (remember "The One"???) - but this looks a BIG step up from other Korean action films I've seen. Recently, I've seen and haven't been overly impressed with Shiri, Volcano High, 2009: Lost Memories, Guns & Talks - (can anyone recommend me something good??)

From what I can gather from various sites and the trailer it looks like a sci-fi balls-out big-budget HUMANS vs. CYBORGS story which takes place in AD2080 in "MEGACITY". Apparently the world has been destroyed by some kind of catastrophe and the survivors live in submarine cities built under the oceans in a new civilisation alongside Cyborgs....and as Cyborgs are wont to do, not happy with their lot in life or maybe they just happened to catch T3 on cable - but they decide to "rise up" - and I may be wrong, but as these things usually go, only "one man can stop them", in this case a special MP from MPLC, some kind of future military police whatnot committee.....ok ok...i'm probably making this sound really crap - but I'll say what I came to say - the trailer blew me away! Reason I'm excited is, I was nonplussed by Reloaded (after being the biggest Matrix fan), haven't seen balls to the wall carnage in any movie this year (Bad Boys comes out in October in the UK!!) and I need some half decent action by the end of the year!! I'll admit right now I'm probably the type of person Hollywood makes those "man running down corridor from fireball, who dives clear at the last second" type of movies, but this just looked like it had more than an ounce of conviction behind it.....we can but live in hope anyway

Maybe someone else who knows the full story on this could fill us in???

Anyway - love the site, keep the stories flowing!!!

Call me..........Eiji Miyake

almost forgot! you can get the trailer in QT here..........


So? Has anyone seen it? Has anyone heard anything? I hope this plays FanTasia next summer during the time I’m there. It looks like a perfect entry for that fest...

"Moriarty" out.

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