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Details on ANGEL 5.4!!

I am – Hercules!!

Casting pages (“sides” to you ultrahip showbiz insiders) began circulating Wednesday for the fourth episode of “Angel’s” fifth season. Here’s what we’ve learned:

* Eve, Angel’s hot liaison to the senior partners at the Wolfram & Hart law firm, returns.

* The episode centers on the ghostly Spike. The Grim Reaper seems to be hot to claim his hinder. There’s a feller named Pavayne lurking around the firm who seems to snack on spooks.

* Winifred Burkle grows obsessed with trying to rescue the non-corporeal vamp from hellish damnation, and reverts a bit to her Pylean self, with the hunching and wall-scrawling.

* The girls may be pleased to learn than Pavayne enjoys tormenting Spike by stripping him naked at unexpected junctures.

* Fans of “Queer Eye For The Straight Guy” may be excited to learn Pavayne makes Spike wear a pretty dress.

* Though still a ghost, Spike will learn – Swayze-like – how to move objects in the real world.

* Fred concocts something called a “recorporealizer.” “Spike, do it now!” she will call out near episode’s end. “We’ve got one shot at making you corporeal again!” But when Pavayne begins choking Fred to death, Spike has to choose between saving her and getting fleshy.

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