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The KEN PARK trailer is at least... not banned in France!

Hey folks, Harry here... I've yet to write my review of KEN PARK, because it is fairly difficult to talk about without almost censoring yourself. The film definitely crosses the line into pornography, though in doing that, it assures that it won't be screened viably almost anywhere on the planet other than in just the most liberal of countries, like France. Most recently the incident in Australia rings most loudly, but frankly... This is a very realistic film about this culture of underaged carnality. Larry Clark uses an ejaculating penis like Peckinpah did a squib in THE WILD BUNCH, to underline the "reality"... If this were a film about Adults, it'd be pure pornography, but while KEN PARK has pornographic moments, it has a lot more on its mind than just sex. Though given anal sex and oral sex have just now become legal nationwide in my country... I really don't expect the nation to embrace this film... not by a long shot. Even if it is filled with technically speaking adults. It just don't look that way. Favorite part of this trailer is where the screens say, "SCANDALIZED IN VENICE," "SUPRESSED IN MOSCOW," "TABOOED IN TORONTO," "VERBOTEN IN VIENNA," and lastly... "REVERED IN ROTTERDAM." Typical eh? Here ya go...


The first trailer of "Ken Park", the new movie of Larry Clark banned from Australia, is up at CineMovies!!

Click here for the Trailer!

There's pics too:

There is Nudity at the end of this link, so if you're under 18, whatever you do, don't click here!

See ya,


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