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Remake of John Carpenter's ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 in the works...

Hey folks, Harry here... Also in Variety they're announcing that here is a remake of ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 that is being worked on by the screenwriter of THE NEGOTIATOR named James DeMonaco. One of the producers rightfully states that Carpenter's original was originally drawn from RIO BRAVO, and also that the film is a favorite amongst film fans and action fans worldwide. They also state that they want to carry this filmmaking torch into the 21st Century, and ya know... Last Stand movies are always good material. ZULU, RIO BRAVO, ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13, THE ALAMO, THE LAST COMMAND, ALIENS, TWO TOWERS and so on... but the odd thing to me is this. There has already been a brilliantly smart, fast and fun remake of ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 made within the last 7 months or so, this one called NID DE GUEPES aka "The Nest" or "Wasp's Nest"

What is great about NID DE GUEPES is that while it is obviously a take on ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13, it is a very different situation and set up. It isn't called ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 and none of the characters are named after any of the characters and you're never really sure who is going to survive. I just wish NID DE GUEPES would get on a big screen near us on this continent soon!

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