Ain't It Cool News (

BUFFY Business!!

I am – Hercules!!

Where’s the confirmed list of partiers? Look here.

“May” sweeps starts today, and we’re getting flooded with a load of stuff related to the slayer’s final days.

The Big News?

A new issue of Joss Whedon’s comic-book tale of the future-slayer, “Fray,” hit stands Wednesday. A trusted showbiz insider shares this: “BTW, you're aware that this mysterious scythe Buffy gets is the same one that shows up in Joss' FRAY comic book?”

Oh, and speaking of “Buffy”-related comic-book authors, the fifth chapter of writer-director (and former Scooby) Amber Benson’s nifty and very animated “Ghosts of Albion” hits BBC Online today! It has spooks! And demons! And the witty dialogue! And Englishers! Just like “Buffy”!

Has Herc read the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” finale script?

Yes, he has! Well, at least it’s a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” finale script. It’s obviously authentic beause it’s hilarious and frightening and inspiring and saddening and you’re going to love it in the way one loves all things Joss-y. But it may not be the only finale script the “Buffy” mastermind authored. In any event, you can all stop asking if we want a copy; we all seem to have the same one.

We’ll say this for the version on our bookshelf: It’s epic! One gets the feeling young Joss really likes those “Lord of the Ring” movies! Also? Angel only sticks around for the first act, but it may make for the most satisfying crossover in the series' history.

Has Herc heard about this hot 19-year-old Australian girl who’s supposed to replace Sarah Michelle Gellar on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”?

He has. This item comes from a British paper called the Daily Star, and we should all understand at this point that a lot of British papers just like to make a lot of shit up. For the record, the comely starlet’s name is Holly Valance and she's a vet of a long-running Aussie show called “Neighbours.” But let’s all also keep in mind that the TV show called “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” ceased production forever last week.

Hey, where’s the post for that big invitation-only May 20 Buh-Bye Buffy Bash in Hollywood? You can’t tell me it’s full up already!! I wanted to go!!

Though we only formally announced the event 11 days ago, we’ve already pretty much got enough people to fill the mammoth facility we’ve rented – but can still squeeze a few more in. If you’d like to belatedly request an invite, you can still write us at

Where’s the confirmed list of partiers? Look here.

I am – Hercules!!

Oh, and looking for something to wear to the event? Click here!

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