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The 2nd X2 Review... something about jaw dragging the floor type of quality!

Hey folks, Harry here... Right now... it is completely alright to hate this chap... in fact, let's all collectively hate him... and while we're at it, let's hate Moriarty, because he's just gotten back to his drippy sewer after having seen X2 too. That's right, hang 'em! String 'em up! Let 'em Dangle and Twitch! They've seen X2 before us... and we hates them for it. It isn't fair dammit! We don't likes these people seeing the movie before us, because WE SHOULD BE SEEING THIS MOVIE... more to the immediate point.... I NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE DAGNABBIT!!! Going through withdrawls... must see movie now! Right now... as you read this, Moriarty is attempting to form and type sentences for us to read... He's all set to just let us know how fricking COOL he is and how we are all peons in comparison! I say we rise up and stab him with our plastic forks! Here ya go...

From X2-Movie Click

Saw X2 a couple days ago! My jaw is still dragging on the floor after what I saw! Now, I'm going to give you my opinion on this film, but please be aware that I can't reveal many spoilers to you. Why you ask? Because the people at FOX will kill me...seriously. They told all of us that we could not reveal what we saw to other people. We actually had to sign a piece of paper!

So I'll say this. X2 is everything X-Men wanted to be. While the first film lacked good effects, good fight scenes, this one reigns supreme. The special effects in this film are mind boggling! Halle Berry's Storm and Famke Janssen's Jean Grey get some of the most spectacular scenes, and there's this amazing thing in the climax of the film where many mutants globally go nuts. If you watch X-Men after seeing this film, X-Men is going to look like crap...I'm sorry, but it's true.

As far as characterization goes, I found X2 to handle it well. A couple characters did seem under-developed, in my opinion. The most notable ones being Cyclops and Deathstrike...but with a cast this big, how can that not happen? Cyclops isn't given much to do in this film, although he does have a major moment in the film. Deathstrike feels like a robot. Nothing more...but don't get me wrong, she kicks ass in every single way, and in a fantastic style, but I really don't feel like I know who she is supposed to be exactly. She barely had any lines in the film.

I found the kiddies to be very interesting though. So many powers are displayed in this film, it's like a mutant circus. I'm not a big fan of the comics, so I'm not sure who was supposed to be who, but there are many unique powers these kids show. One kid is some freaky telepathic mutant. He does some seriously weird $h!#.

The story is much better than the first film. It leaves a far greater impact in the end, and you do end up caring for these characters. Besides a couple characters, I can say I cared for most of them. The ending made me wanna scream, yell, laugh, and cry at the same time. This movie really effected me in a way I never imagined possible for a comic book film. It really makes you think.

All in all, I gotta say that this film is something special. Daredevil, not even Spider-Man compares to this, in my honest opinion...and it's not because of the effects, it's because of the story. Bryan Singer has brought something special for audiences to chew on.

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