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Terry Jones to make Roald Dahl's BFG!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... I don't imagine many of you aren't huge lovers of Terry Jones' work. Every geek worth his potassium is a raving loon for Terry's involvement with Monty Python, LABYRINTH, and well just the overall glow that comes from that noggin of his! Well, the super genius is at the ol metal beast again typing up a screenplay for Roald Dahl's BFG... that's BIG FRIENDLY GIANT for you Dahl impaired folks. And how much do we all love him by the way... from WILLY WONKA to THE WITCHES to MATILDA to YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE and CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG to JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH and so on... He's just ... well... a super genius too! SO - with this amazing marriage of super geniusesesesessss... how could they possibly go wrong? They can't. It will go perfect! It will! Aren't you excited? I am! I can't wait to see Sophie abducted and taken to the land of the giants! This'll be great!

hi harry how are you doing.

not sure if this is of any interest to you but in yesterdays (sat 6th april) scottish daily mail, they ran an article with an interview with terry jones saying he was in the middle of writing the adapted screenplay of roald dahl's classic childrens book The BFG (Big Friendly Giant).

he also goes on to say that he would be directing. no casting as yet but he said that he would like it if he could get supermodel Sophie Dahl involved as she is the author's grandaughter and was the basis of the main character Sophie. i think this would be really cool.

all the best


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